Thursday, August 1, 2013

827 - blinds, pre birthday and baby chokes

Day 827 I was up and off to work early. The sleep I has was jumbled after finally falling asleep after Dale's arrived but at 4 the coyotes were creating havoc int he yard and poor Diego was really trying to let them know to get lost. I even thought I heard a jingle of Coco collar outside so went out to be sure but she was safely snoring on the couch. The house of guests and kids were still sleeping. Dale said his kids got up at 10, so sleep in for them. They headed for home before noon I think. The girls managed to sleep right thru it all except Britt said Mya and Vance did come into er room to talk to Coco. :-) It poured at work for an hour and I was so happy until I text Dale and he said it was not raining at our place :-(

I finished up work at noon and ran the file cabinet back. It seems once I looked at it there were screw marks on a side and it was press board, no solid wood and for $25 it was not worthy. I also stopped at the take it or leave it to drop off my excess trailer stuff along with clothes. There are about 12 large bins and ALL but one were overflowing with donations. That is so crazy the amount of clothes we as a society toss frequently. The 3 bins at no frills have so much there is a  mountain against the bins too.

I headed home to meet the blind installer for 12:30 but he was there early so just waited. Once I got there he got busy installing the 6 blinds and what a difference. Britt was up attempting to make french toast and Shaina and Shannon were slowly getting moving by 1. After we all ate french toast Shannon headed home and the installer was finished in just over an hour. He kindly left me some temporary blinds for the basement as well.

The girls went out and tacked up to practice. I was called out as ball thrower which was exciting and damaging to the face but they had fun. Of course while out there I grabbed the shovel and scooped both dog and horse crap then ended up trimming Bird's feet as they too were chipping. I am not sure why I thought trimming in dress clothes (with a white jacket) and multiple strand beads was a good idea but when the moment hits I guess. I was also watering the garden and flowers and of course a few got really wet being forgot during the trim :-)
 game on

 right after this picture the ball hit me in the face
Back inside time to sponge bath and change clothes, although it is not sunny it is 20+ and humid and that trimming causes sweat! Sheldon text he could not get on the sold out early flight (duh long w/e and last minute has that result) so will be in at 7 pm. The girls and I had a cold drink and break then they went back out at 5 to each ride a chubby pony. I worked on the blog and have a cold beer before I had to leave at 6 to get Sheldon from airport as well as meet a lady wanting to buy my antique mirror there as well. As I was getting ready to leave I heard a sound I knew was trouble. Looking out I saw Baby tearing out a post along with the attached rails. Seems Shaina tied her to the post, Britt drug the hose under her and she decided to renovate and create a new gate as Shaina says!

Mirror sold, Sheldon picked up and off to have a pre birthday supper at Shillelaghs. We both enjoyed the atomic T'N'A drink to celebrate.

 supper was scrumptious!!
As we left he city we got a call from the girls that Baby was chocking on hay. I made a quick call to our vet who said as long as not in distress to manually try and dislodge the lump with force if necessary. She also said try a water hose too which I did when I arrived home around 9. This all seemed to work which was a blessing.

We all enjoyed the movie Identity Thief , Shaina checked her horse and all was well before we all went to bed after midnight.

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