Sunday, August 25, 2013

851 - so dry

Day 851 was an overcast day which is ok as the area is SOOOOOO dry. The winter pasture is burning up. The usual coffee and baileys (made and served by me today)  ipad morning was our start. Shaina had text around midnight they arrived at a spot to sleep and then text at 9 am they were up and ready to go, sleeping in the "boat" (AKA marquis) was getting painful and they have adventures ahead. So after brushing teeth at Tims and grabbing breakfast they were off! Eventually it was time for us get things moving. I headed out to start my projects sanding and adding more filler on the kids table and working on another sign. Sheldon put a couple of tubes of caulking on the storage trailer roof after I found water damage to a few things :-(
starting of this one

 these two are always hugging, or resting on big D
I was going to start painting when he came into the garage around noon. We started to move a few things and 3 hours later we had the garage looking amazing. We moved some projects to storage trailer, some to shop and swept and cleaned almost all the floor. Britt rode Bird for a bit before doing what she does best.. watch TV. Wait she did let horses out in the winter pasture and gave me a manicure while waiting for supper. :-)
Kaylin said Lexi is gluten free now, this should count! (you can see Britt riding in background of D's pic)
I should have snapped a photo sooner of the before, this was stacked with crap but all cleaned off to move these stairs out
 some of the treasures loaded
 pre organized
 and after.. yahoo
Now it was time for a cold beer before Sheldon went in to play candy crush and I painted the first coat of white. I headed in for a shower and beverage with him. The fellow dropped off the ratchet straps as promised just before supper. Sheldon prepared the sweet potato, steak and grilled asparagus for supper!! yum, even Britt said it was awesome!

It was another beautiful evening. I went back out to the shop and applied 2nd white coat as well as stained the other growth ruler. Things are coming along. I will for sure meet her week deadline for the two.
Shaina text thru the day and sent pictures of their camp set up and supper tonight at Fintry, BC.
 Thelma and Louise excellent adventures begin!

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