Monday, August 19, 2013

845 - more truck trouble?

Day 845 sunny Monday. Grama and Papa got ready and headed home after 9. Sheldon and I enjoyed a coffee before getting on with the day. He went to work on the rail and I put first coat of brown on the shop doors.
some one was burnt by evening with this type of no sunscreen work attire, the day was smoking getting to about 30 degrees!
doesn't it look lovely?

Britt ran to town to give Brooke a ride to work.. what! Think she is taking taxi service a little far but she claimed she went shopping too.. well not for groceries or anything we may have needed. Tree watering continued the last 3 days nearly all the time we are home. Things are so dry. I harvested some veggies for supper and pulled out expired plants.

some of my flowers and first zucchini crop, more beets and first kohlrabi and carrot (huge as it survived the cat digging nearly alone)
Finally the girls came up to join us for lunch then Shaina retreated again claiming a headache. Britt worked at tiding the horse trailer out and I continued horse and human laundry too. I put a 2nd coat of poly on the table now that I was restocked on it. Sheldon and I then tackled the storage trailer to make room for my projects I am to pick up as well as excess in the garage. He insists he needs his big truck in there.. guess the 60X120 shop is too small :-) We made amazing changes and after a refreshment ran to town with  the truck and trailer to grab furniture. Shaina had headed to work for 5 too.
This proved to be another case of oh crap! Sheldon had forgot the fuel card so we stopped at No Frills. There was a lowered area where a grate was and after driving over there was a loud bang and scraping noise, mechanical issue on the trailer Sheldon thought. After we stocked up on beer we checked and sure enough the rear end had gone astray. We slowed drove to Paetz's. Here the boys found jacks and tools from neighbors, jacked it up and found the u bolts loose and the entire rear shifted forward on left side. A big whack with a sledge moved it into place but the bolts could not be tightened due to rust. We hooked up, Craig helped load the furniture from his Grandmas I was kindly donated and we headed straight home.

At home by 7, Rob (friend from High River) was waiting with the skid steer and dump trailer. Once unloaded he came in for a beer and visit. Britt headed to town to go for supper with girl friends not returning til 1 am!! I cooked up a delicious steak with new veggies and we ate very late around 8:30 as Rob headed home. It was delicious. It was now getting dark so we unloaded furniture into the storage trailer (with a bit of swearing due to small injuries) stowing them safely away.

heavy hutch!!!!

I then put the 3rd coat of poly on the table while Sheldon enjoyed a fire with the dogs. Shower and reading for me. Shaina finished up work at 11. And the Monday night party animal Britt at 1 am!

check out D giving a big kiss!

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