Monday, August 5, 2013

831 - Happy Heritage day

Day 831 was a relaxing day. Slow to start and finally a coffee and bailey's! :-) Shaina was up and off to work at 9 am, hard working girl, she even managed to make some piles in the skinny pen over the w/e YEAH Shaina!

I worked on the blog for last 4 days and downloaded photos. I sure did not take many during the w/e like I planned but there were a few. Around 11 Sheldon moved vehicles and started grading the yard and road along with Matt's. We are like old time neighbors, he sprays our weeds, we grade his road! wait maybe not since he invited us to 2 barbecues this week, one catered and hosting 200 people! Our supper invites are usually just them and some pool games.
here is the little stool I painted for Britt's vanity

Sheldon also started the tedious task of watering trees, which will go all day long. After barbecued smokies for lunch he went back out and darned if the skid steer did not quit for some reason. Britt went and fed the skinnies who were beckoning me as I moved the water hose earlier. I continued with laundry, seems it is an on going process lol. The skid steer started up, fuel filter clogged perhaps?? and the last of the "clay" was moved into the shop concentrating on the barn portion.
I picked fresh lettuce and chopped all the Hutterite veggies I had Amanda get me at farmers market and made a lovely garden salad. Just after 5, showered Sheldon and I headed to Matt and Marissa's for a barbecue. Seems Agritrend is having training this week in town and a few are staying at Gosling's. We met a fellow from Kentucky and another fellow from Peace River area joined us to for a Indian themed meal. Thanks Gosling's!!  We headed home at 10:30 as more were coming thru the door to find beds for the night!

Shaina reminded me I forgot some pictures from Thursday so if you did not get update.. check out day 827

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