It was completely fogged in when Harley wanted out at 4:45 a.m. and still foggy when I woke up after 7:30. S was slow to rise, but once awake and done his initial phone scroll, he made a coffee—only to complain that it was too small. When I made mine, I made him another, but he was still unsatisfied with his coffee intake. So, he pulled out the brew machine and made two more cups… which he didn’t enjoy after all. now he knows why the girls do not care for his coffee when here.
We both had our computers ready for the Morgan Wallen ticket sales at 10 a.m.—I was in charge of Saturday, while he focused on Friday. When the event started, I had almost 4,000 people ahead of me in the queue, while he had only 1,800. He managed to get in within nine minutes, while it took me 13. The next hour was a complete disaster as we struggled to secure tickets, constantly encountering errors or finding them already sold out. By the time we finally got through, tickets were already being resold at inflated prices.
B jumped in and managed to grab some four rows from the top in the far south corner for Friday. I checked and saw that tickets just four rows behind those were already selling for $475 each! So, I switched to Friday and found us seats in the middle of the stadium for less—snagging them instead. That left B needing to resell hers, but she wasn’t increasing the price to make a profit. She was, however, panicking about the sale, but it didn’t take long for a coworker to express interest. Now, to get the cash.
S browsed the internet while I worked on blogs and did a bit of accounting. The fog remained socked in all day. After lunch, S went to roll a bale while I tackled the pots and pans that had piled up. It was time to test out the new car tires, so we headed to the city, making a quick stop in town to do a return and pick up library books. Beans and Renn were excited to see us—always a great feeling! 😊 She (and her parents) finally got to open her Christmas present from GG Kuhn’s, which turned out to be perfect additions to her kitchen setup.
After visiting for a bit, we headed to swimming lessons just after 4. I was the lucky helper while S and K watched from the bleachers. Renn absolutely loves the water, but by the end of the half-hour, she was definitely tuckered out.
There was plenty of running around the island, reading & hiding books, and general Renn entertainment. S took the dogs out, then settled in to finish a movie he had started while Renn and I headed upstairs for her bath, stories, and bedtime. There was a bit of resistance, but she was asleep within eight minutes.
Back downstairs, S had moved on to a hockey game. When it ended, we started another episode of Bad Monkey. K and N returned, bringing up a gelato treat—thank you! We enjoyed it while chatting about their date night before setting off for home at 10.
Light snow fell the entire way back, heavier in some spots and melting in others, but the new tires handled great. Back at the ranch by 11, I sent Harley out for a pee—thanks, B, for feeding her supper! We then finished the Bad Monkey episode and even squeezed in one more before shutting it all down after midnight.