Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Spring is here ;)

H did NOT go out for her after 5 am bathroom break!!! S got coffee going and I delivered him a cup in bed after feeding H. I took watering soft food out to the cats. J got his pill and the door opened for the day.  The fog rolled in after I was back in the house. It is always a cool phenomenon to watch. It rolled back out about an hour later. S had his cereal and headed out to hook up the dump trailer. He wants to move it by the bale stack where he blew up a bale the other day. Being -2 out it was a good time to do so.

I put a pull on - upside down in my hast and put a poll on my socials. What is your choice?

hay clean up underway

The stucco falling off

I went out and rubbed more hemp oil on the sideboard. The bale was dumped in the paddock and trailer unhooked.

I forgot to share that last night on her flight to Ottawa 2 rows behind her was a cane corso in a seat. Apparently it was a service dog. I have questions as to this.

1- do you have to pay for the dogs seat? if so how much?

2- does the airline have to alert all passengers in case of allergies?

3- how do they assess how the dog will react to being in a plane, taking off, landing etc?

4- does the traveler bring a package of wipes to pass out for corso slime around his seat? :)

B researched that to become a service dog you need a psychiatrist report saying you need the dog.

B arrived with G and C just as we sat down to eat lunch. She fed Bird, filled the salt/mineral tubs then was off to the city.  S and i took the dogs for their walk. The ground is getting a bit softer and most of the snow is gone. Puddles still are accumulating too.

S helped me move the MCM dresser downstairs. Then we moved the black sideboard in. It needs more work but I want to start more projects.

I scrubbed the nesting table set I got awhile back S walked the poop wagon to the pit. The one table top looked like it was used as a cutting board!!

For supper S BBQ'd bison burgers while I roasted veggies and air fried potatoes. Very Tasty. B was back from her city run with a tuna salad for her supper. She loaded up Gully and Coop and was off. The wind has picked up again. Not going for a hot tub in wind. I got the cats in for the night. We had a soak in the ensuite tub while watching Car Masters. Then watched a couple more while relaxing in bed. The warm plus 5 winds continued to blow.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Kuhn lake fills

I was awake when Cooper was dropped off at 7. Har was early for her pee break at 4 am today. I was going to revamp this early morning habit but S was going to bathroom too so let her out. The warm wind has created many lakes around our place. I made a tea then got started on posting more dresser ads I forgot to post last night. I also wanted to put the dressers and cedar chest on Etsy to try and get more high end buyer exposure.

I delivered S a chai latte in bed after 9. He made eggs and fried potatoes today. In the garage he sorted recyclables and trouble shot more on the door lift issue. I added the sideboard then gave it a coat of hemp oil to seal. I let it soak in while we had leftover lunch.

After lunch I wiped the hemp oil back. It was now plus 9 out and the dogs needed a walk. S wore his rubber boots so he could walk thru all the water. The ground is still froze so it was a bit treacherous in places. The mouse traps were checked on way by the gate panel on. Back at the house it was time for a cold refreshment and some computer work.

This is 1:30 pm but seems much later with the cloud cover.

The day got a bit brighter. We headed out to have a hot tub. The sun actually popped out just before 5. It felt lovely to have plus 10 and sun. Apparently Calgary hit 15 today. On our way out we saw a large piece of stucco on the deck. This is from the area S had been trying to seal and keep in place. Looks like we are now forced to get a proper repair.

The lake has grown over a few hours

After a shower I fed the dogs then we met up at the island for chips, salsa and a rum and coke. Both of us have felt sluggy for about 24 hour so needed a caffeine pick up. Turkey soup was enjoyed for supper. B arrived for her bowl and usual horse feeding. Cooper had ripped his dew claw this am so she bandaged it up. Before heading off she put the cats in the barn and locked up as it is still above zero. Poor J has diarrhea from the antibiotics so good to get him in a larger sandbox.

S submitted this sunset photo, its a beauty!

Tonight was an early to bed night. I finished my book and started a new one called None of This is True. B stopped back to get meds for Cooper I found on her shelf. S had his back tickled to fall asleep while I read.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Renn visit

After feeding dogs and cat including meds I put a matte clear coat on the drawer fronts. S got coffee going. A cup in bed with our usual news peruse for S and brain games for me then onto the day. The drawer fronts had a coat of black paint but the shadow still shows. S treated the hot tub after his porridge. He also took down the Xmas lights on the fruit trees and paddock rails.

I updated the spreadsheets for the magazine rack sale. The dresser was listed for sale on some of the selling sites. Fingers crossed there is some interest. The drawers had some black chalk paint brushed on.

Renn and Kaylin arrived after 11. K was to get lashes today but the gal was sick so they just came for lunch and a visit. Tuna sandwiches and salad were our fine dining with chips and salsa appetizer. All Kaylin's fav. Renn had a baby wafer :) S headed off for hockey before 1. Kaylin tried to have a nap while Renn and I played. She is the cutest inch worm pulling herself along.

watch her in these 2 videos, so cute!!

Harley wants to play with her and even lays down to her level.

Did I mention she can do a mean Irish jig? another cute video

The girls loaded up and headed home at 2:30 for the 2nd nap of the day. The sleep training is coming along. The 10 am nap on way out worked too. Both directions had K driving slower and around the towns to let her sleep longer each way. I headed out as they left to walk the dogs. it is plus 7 out and melting like crazy. Of course there was lots of land mines revealed so I did a couple gallons of poop scooping before and after the walk. The pups played with the jolly ball for a bit while I worked.

dogs playing ball video

It was then time to do another coat of milk paint. While it sat and thickened I did a bit of computer work. I was just finishing the coat when s was home from hockey after 4. He and Steve stopped for a couple beers again. He was quite obliging to have one with me now too. And more chips and salsa while playing some Tantrix. The last HF meal was prepped and cooked. Tonight was feta stuffed meatballs. B was home late to eat her plate of food then out to feed Bird. She was then off. I got the cats in and J pilled.

We relaxed in bed feeling sluggish and skipping the hot tub. I was reading and S on his phone. A stop to make yogurt bowls had me taking Harley outside to hopefully pee and break her 5 am out habit. No luck for her and now I was wide awake. Yogurt bowls were enjoyed and I was back to reading. The winds picked up around 10 and it was plus 5 out. They were still blowing when I shut lights out at midnight.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

River walk

I pushed the grind button on the way to feed Har and the cats. (J got his pill too, his dosage is for 2 weeks!) We played our morning brain games in bed before S grabbed an apple and headed to church. I published a blog post then worked on the dresser tutorial for a bit. It was then time to get out and get painting the sideboard now that I sent the cats out.

Snapchat has new filters... me with lip filler :)

I mixed up some black milk paint for the base. I loved how the coverage looked worn. I forgot how much I like using this paint. S was back home as I as painting. He made himself lunch and back to his high level flow game. I put another coat of black gel stain/top coat on the top before I came in.

B and her pets arrived as I was scrambling an egg. She had something to eat then fed Bird. We loaded the dogs and headed off to McKinnon Flats only to find it was closed for the season. Backroads led us to the trout fishing area we like to frequent. B of course was worried the kooky guy that lives there that once threatened to shoot the dogs would be out. He wasn't ;)

We had a fantastic 4.5 km walk in 2 degree temps with a cloud cover along the river. The pace had us unzipping and removing jackets. We rolled into the yard with 2 km worth of fuel left!!!  B and I jumped out with the dogs as S headed for the fuel tank.

B chowed down on some ripple chips then off to trim Beibs. I prepped a beverage for the prince and I along with a snack. We played a game of Tantrix once he was in. I was shocked to see an Etsy sale for the green wooden magazine rack. It is going to a penthouse in New York City!! I boxed it all up while S continued with the color challenges on the Tantrix game. The package ended up costing almost $100 to send, holy cow. Guess I should be glad the lady in the penthouse liked my piece. I was going to liquidate it here or repaint before the universe found a home for it as is.

S continued working on the levels completing 6 more during the afternoon and evening. I cooked us another HF meal. Tonight it was honey siracha chicken. B again packed up her leftovers for work. She got Gulliver from the garage then loaded he and coop in the car. I was out trying to find J who made his way from the barn. B had a look at his wound and tried to drain but seemed the lanced area has healed over. She was then off. I gave him pain killers before wiping the paint off the drawer fronts. You can see the hardware halo darn it. I sanded them and will try a cover plan tomorrow. S went and rolled the horses a bale.

Time for a hot tub. The moon was unusually hanging low and bright and there were tons of stars out. Back inside, the google was searched to find out why along with “Is Gaza a country?” Changing axis’s of earth and the moon was one answer and no it is a territory of Palestine. I read and S played many more levels of Flow. Not sure what he will play when he masters all the levels soon. 

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Irrigation walk

Coffee was in order today. I got it going after feeding H and cats. Stacie and I had ours with S joining not long after. Dale and the kids came up after for coffee and breakfast We had another nice visit before they headed off after 11. They took along the wine case Corey bought for Valentine’s Day, THANKS guys. Time to send cats out.

Leftover lunch for us and B when she arrived. Harley loaded up in the truck and we headed to town. Britt did too in her car to wash it and get groceries. We picked up some booze, groceries, cat food, a free wooden crate, dropped off library books, the trash then home. The temperature hit plus 6. The snow is getting soft and melting.

Beauty day in the city too. Kaylin takes Renn out for a walk video

Vanna showcasing the food to see if what Britt recommended

All was unloaded with H staying in truck waiting. B was along soon after. She unloaded then her and Cooper jumped in and we headed to the river. Today we did a reverse walk along the irrigation canal. 3 kms to be exact. The dogs enjoyed it as usual.

weir 3/4 frozen over

Back at the ranch the dogs were fed. I cooked up a batch of air fried chick peas for S. I added cayenne and pepper flakes. He liked this easy healthy snack. Pictured below is cannoli beans.

Then another Hello Fresh meal was next - roasted dill garlic salmon and orzo. B was in rest mode in big brown, S on the couch playing Flow. I worked on catching up the blog posts backing up again. B and Coop headed off at 7. S helped me with accounting reading off transactions to balance. We had our usual hot tub, shower, yogurt bowl with sports/reading in bed. 

Friday, January 26, 2024

Walker family sleepover

It was a bright sunny but -7 start to the day. Dogs fed, cats given soft food and J his pill. With my morning tea, I wrote a Hometalk post for the highchair. As it warmed up a bit I sent the cats outside too.

S helped me haul in the MCM dresser. I put the gold knobs on all the drawers and began the staging photos.

Plant care was done as S hooked up the electrical box behind the mantle. He wants to hang a TV on the fireplace.

We took the dogs for another 2 km walk. Someone is feeling better. As we set off down the road, we heard a meow behind us. J joined us for the trek. We had a cold drink on deck then back in house to work on brain puzzle. I did head out to garage and try and work on the wee bits stuck in the stain. I razored them off then used 0000 steel wool. Once wiped there was no real change. Looks like another coat of stain will be needed.

Dale, Stacie, Vance and Mya arrived after 5 from helping Goodine’s with their tragic loss. We visited, had pizza, chips salsa and beverages. Britt arrived home from work and visited for awhile before heading off. The kids each found a bed watching TV and their phones. Dale, Stacie and us headed to bed after 11. I read and S played games till after midnight.