Sunday, September 18, 2022

Tree moving and vine removal day

H wanted out after 7:30 only to hear shot gun shots of the bird hunters not long after. This carried on for awhile, poor birds ;( After dog fed, cats let out and coffee made I had a shower to start my day then was onto marketing and tutorials. Mom and Sheldon visited then she was off to visit Dad at the usual 10 am then leaving for home at noon today. S made us brunch; scramble eggs, toast, beans and leftover bacon, thanks. I decided to put a clear coat on Paetz's dining table.

Today's task is to transplant a bing cherry tree from B's. S dug out the hole where he pulled the black hawthorne and dumped in the quad trailer> I mixed the bottom dirt then he drove to the bit with skid steer and I took the truck, shovel and a big tub. He loaded a scoop of compost and we headed to town. I dug B's tree, wrapped in garbage bag, filled her hole and we were off.

I had to make one stop on the way home when picking up speed had it flip around. Once at home I got it positioned in the whole and began filling while watering as I went. S sourced 3 stakes and string as his task. We secured it in place, I sprayed the spiders and did a bit of pruning and it looks like "Brittany" is successfully in her new home.

Our busy helpers

S was back into big brown watching the Blue Jays, when I came in I applied another clear coat to Paetz table this time in satin. UGH both have marks which always happens with these products that makes me crazy ;(.

B and Coop were out, she rode and did horse things then S took her and the dogs for a loop. I emptied the compost in my garden and worked it in pulling more plants. S and I then unloaded some of the firewood he moved over on a pallet yesterday in a relay style under the deck. 

I wrestled with the Virginia creeper with the help of S weigh down the spade as I position and levered. It took quite a while but eventually I got it out. We bathed Harley before her late supper. B finished up, locked 2 mares in house paddock and headed home after 5. We cooked up a BBQ supper with S at the helm, while it cooked we played a game of crib. After supper S tidied up while I went and put Stella and J in the barn, gully was not around must be hunting. S watched football, I paper bag sanded the tabletop before taking a break from blog writing to go for a soak in the hot tub with a sore back from pulling and digging that dang apocalyptic plant out. Quick rinse and crawled into bed early to watch more Instant Dream Home episodes with a big bowl of fruit and yogurt.

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