Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Another step forward

Beautiful sunrises on these early fall mornings. Mom was off to town at 8 as I was getting up to make coffee. H was fed with S joining me for coffee and in short order we were off to the city. I did drive to barn to feed cats dry before heading west. I dropped S off at the cancer clinic early after 10 hoping they might get him in early but no such luck, he was even taken in late. I sat in a no park residential area for the hour watching the loads of seniors biking and walking their dogs in the high fluent eagle ridge area. 

I picked him up at the doors sans catheter very happy to leave it behind. Costco was a quick swoop thru getting their chicken meal for our lunch in the car. A stop at Mercedes on the way by to grab 2 new air filters then onward to Strathmore. I grabbed wipes for Harley at the vets on the way by then in Strathmore S had a quick stop at Coop and I the liquor store; I was going to buy him a celebratory 25 year Flor De Cana rum he wanted till I found it was $190/750 ml. Before heading home I ran into Can Tire to pick up some duct cleaner he wanted to complete the car's musty air smell.

Back at the ranch H was excited to see us, I unloaded all the goodies, tried the wipes on her while S crawled into bed to watch sports and nap. After a short computer task of accounting I headed out to work on projects for my market weekend. The 2 swivel stools were black gel stained. It did not work quite as planned but did warm the reddish stain up.

I then moved the cabinet I just scored into the paint area. It was cleaned and taken apart with me decided on a white paint over the dark stain. The coat of white was left to dry as I came in to make pizza for supper only to find I had no sauce and such so the plan pivoted to leftovers. S was awake now with yet more Blue Jays play.

After supper I headed to garage to put second coat on the cabinet. S came out and changed the filters and sprayed the cleaner in the ducts, it for sure smells better. He then headed back to the ball game.

stinky vents? try this!!

B and Coop arrived with Mom not long behind. Mom ate leftovers too with B coming in to visit. B was off for home before 9 with Mom and I both heading to bed soon after. S showered then was able to finally lay on his stomach to get his back tickled while I watched more McLeod's Daughters.

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