Saturday, September 3, 2022

Apples, apples, apples

H wanted out for bathroom break at 5:30, I was up early after 7 with her barking at something so let out then heard a magpie annihilating my apple tree. I had to go shoo him off and after a chai latte I headed out in the cooler morning air to pick the rest of the September ruby apple tree. Horses got all the ones the dang magpie poked one mark in and moved on to next. I got 3 more bags! I also did an apple taste test from 4 of the 6 trees. They are all different and took one of each for S to test once he woke after 9:30. I made us both a chai and got on the computer and he on his phone. Smoke made for a hazy day.

I went back out and picked some apples off the island tree that are huge and tasty and made 2 pies. They finished baking just in time for me to pull them out to cool while I ran to town to visit Dad for his lunch. 

It was another smoking hot day so after convincing him to eat and drink a bit I bundled him up in 2 jackets and a fuzzy blanket in his wheelchair and took him outside. Even in the 32+ degree sun he said still cold but looked to have relaxed a bit in the sunshine. I pushed him around the walking path then back to his room where I helped him on the couch for a better nap then sitting in the wheelchair.

Back home S was in bed watching ball of course. I made us a frosty strawberry daiquiri (his sans rum) with a piece of fresh apple pie. Then it was time to hit the basement to start packing up, tagging and inventorying my market wares while S had a nap.

For supper I cooked up chili shrimp but we both voted it not to order again as sticky and gummy tasting, Shrimp was good though. I ran the vacuum around the main floor while S washed up the pots. This is a great sign for the patient recovery as now day 11. He was then back to bed watching ball and I worked on the computer getting tutorials finished and such.

B and Coop arrived to feed then she and I went for a ride around the pasture. As we ambled along I spied the pink jolly ball in the middle of the field!! Score, now just to find the purple one.

the sun was red just like this am with the smoke haze

After our ride B was off to home and I hit the hot tub for a soak. The water is not as clear so the spa guy came out to advise longer filter times. After my tub and a quick rinse it was relax in bed time with Making the Cut next to the baseball fan.

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