Thursday, September 29, 2022

Soup kinda day

The day was gloomy and hazy and possible rain impending. The animals were released and fed and coffee enjoyed while I did some quick marketing. I put on a pot of bison soup bones to simmer for the day. The rain started after 9 before I was off to town as Sheldon's online course began. Amanda, Mom and I met with a mental health care lead for a 2 hour meeting. I had a short visit with Dad after then ran to get my foot x-rays done at the hospital. Cooper was picked up next then a couple glass floats and a wrap for my lunch then off for home.

I was back home to eat my wrap after 1 as S was waiting his call from Matt to move the last bags of oats. He was off at 1:30 as I got busy working on the blog that is 4 days behind. The sun peeked out as I headed to the garage before 3; time to start painting the dresser after sanding the filled circles.

the customer hoped to save the turquoise paint in the details which I did my best to, but I am not digging it so sent her these pics. She agreed, I will paint them in on second coat.

Working on marketing and blogging I had my pack around me for company.

Once the drawer front was painted, I tipped it sideways to glue a broken bottom edge and left all to dry

I was painting away when S returned before 4. He pulled out the pressure washer and hosed off the ranger seeing it was damp from today's rain then he moved on to the trailer. After finishing the first coat of paint I cleaned the cat litter box then decided to dump completely, scrub and let dry.

The soup was completed with S claiming best soup ever. B arrived right behind Matt and Theo who were dropping off some straw bales and oats. B fed horses then came in for a bowl of soup as well as Goslings went home. I was out in the garage putting the first coat of staining oil on the dining table. She said it was the best soup ever and asked to take home a jar full for her work and Dave. And she would like the recipe so I came in and wrote out roughly what I did as it is all out of my head :)

She was off taking Cooper at 7:45. S and I finished the last 2 episodes of season 5 of Animal Kingdom at 10 pm. Perfect timing as I went out to put a second stain oil coat on while S caught up on sports. Back inside I watched some Selling OC before light out.

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