Saturday, September 10, 2022

1st & only Market 2022

Another one of those wake up at 1:30 so watch the iPad till 3:30 then wake before 7. Kinda like going on vacation but different for the early wakeup :) It was nice and sunny out but only around 3 degrees so brisk when letting the cats out and feeding in my housecoat. I brewed up a coffee to get on to marketing hoping to draw folks to todays market. I also gathered last minute things I thought about in the night. H was fed and apples/zucchini brought in ready for Ma K to get later today. S was up around 8:30 to have coffee and get on his laptop.

I packed snacks, an iced coffee and headed into the market with a few other goodies too. On the way I had a lady want the white cabinet but was from Edmonton and would pick up Thursday and sent an EMT, YEAH!! I arrived at the venue just after 9:30, parked and got ready for the day ahead. It is a beautiful day!!

The morning was busy and I did better then I expected. Ma, Pa and Candace stopped to take it in with Sheldon driving in to meet them. The ladies headed to the city to a play with S and his Dad heading back to the ranch to visit for the afternoon. The market slowed down after 1:30 which did allow me to take a short break to buy some booze from a distillery booth. A friend from back Hanna way had come to drop off a custom project and take in the market too. She loaded it in my trailer for its makeover.

Just after 4 pm I headed out to move the truck but did not get much closer and bring the boxes in. I packed it all up, got the lights down and started loading out to trailer. Sharon and Darren kindly helped me with a few loads too after taking down her booth. THANK YOU!! I stopped to grab beer as per the prince before heading home.

I arrived back at the ranch just after 5, parked, scooped poop which has not been a usual chore as of late then started to unload stuff. Soon after Candace and Ma K rolled in from their play. Inside the fellows were watching ball in the TV room. Shaina facetimed us ladies upstairs from UK being 12:30 pm for a nice visit.

The fellows came up and a short visit ensued before they headed for home. I helped S cook his first HF meal; Greek meatballs. B arrived as we were getting ready to eat, she was off to ride and feed.

After supper S went back to TV room for baseball and I got busy updating spreadsheets, my FB page and other sales sites for items that sold. B and Cooper headed home after 8 as it was now getting dark. I see I missed sharing Cooper's 5th birthday a few days ago on the 7th, happy belated beefy bone day Coop. Once I got allot of the computer work caught up I headed to bed to relax after a busy day and watch some more McLeod's Daughters.

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