Monday, September 19, 2022

Rain and Queen's funeral

I was awake before 7 today playing some games and sending H out to pee; actually having to take her down to the gravel then put in garage and let Gully out.  It is a blustery overcast day that would only turn worse as the day went on. S woke early around 8 and turned on the coffee. We watched the Queen's funeral in bed with a hot coffee; S ran and let barn cats out and I to let the 2 mares out as the rain started after 9. It really started to come down for a bit and hope it socks in for the day.

Marketing and computer work was next before I went to the garage to oil the coffee table wood and paint the rocking chair its first coat of paint. I did pop in for a bowl of cereal with S who made toads in holes for his breaky and caught part of the actual funeral.

In the garage I had S help me load the Paetz tabletop in prep for delivery later today. The last jar of borscht was our lunch, THANKS Ma K <3 We headed to town once done after 12 so I could visit Dad and help him with lunch. S did a walk about then perused his phone on the couch. Rain was off and on so after Dad finished eating we walked inside. 

We left him getting in his steps at 2 to deliver the table. Of course it was raining again now and more in town. We stopped quick to grab a few things including “coffee creamer” then back to the ranch. S checked and we have had 2/10ths so far but seems like more. It is good weather for “Brittany” tree to adjust to new home. We played crib and sequence with a cold beer and some chips.

S made a fire in the fireplace seeing it was under 20 in the house and also turned on the furnace for first run of the fall season. I ran out and put another coat of oil on coffee table then back in to write the blog on iPad in front of the fire while S watched yet another ball game.

For supper I cooked up sautéed chicken and zucchini and grated up a few more bags to put in the freezer. S was back to big brown by the fire as I went out to put the coffee table together. Britt, Dave and Cooper arrived as I was doing so. Horses were fed, a short visit and a muffin and they were off. Our evening was enjoyed relaxing in bed one watching sports/chatting on the phone and the other watching Instant Dream Home with our bowls of fruit and yogurt/cereal.

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