Friday, September 16, 2022

Custom coffee table underway

Awake at 7 to play some games and peruse Insta then get coffee going, feed H and let out cats is the usual start to my day. Mom joined me for coffee then S a bit later before she was off to visit Dad before 10. S had cereal then into big brown to peruse the internet. 

Stella out with her buddy H then the boys join once I let them out, she is cautious.

Time to get busy on projects; first up was opening my paint parcel, lots of new goodies to work with.

The rocking chair was wiped, flipped over and hemp oiled

Time to start the custom coffee table removing the leather inset section, wood filling a chip on the apron and hauling outside to sand.  It is filter Friday so S added water to the hot tub with the new filter in the parcel then cleaned the filters.

Lunch break with chicken noodle soup thanks again to Ma K! Back to work for me on the coffee table. More sanding in the last grit then wiped and moved inside.

The rocking chair was flipped over and hemp oiled then I painted the table center edge and apron.

I ran to town for my 3 pm lash repair which ended up being an hour long free full fill, thanks Victoria. I picked up Cooper after I was finished and a couple groceries then back to the ranch. S had a relaxing afternoon watching TV and such and while I got busy staining the apron over the dry paint then flipping and staining the top and legs, he blended up a strawberry daiquiri for us as now 24 degrees out.

S cooked supper making BBQ steak, potatoes and cauliflower and it was delicious!! And not having to cook was a perfect treat THANKS. After supper he was off to bed to watch ball while I got busy sorting photos and adding them to post drafts etc. Britt arrived at 7:30 as it is now getting dark. I did not soak beet pulp so she had a slight delay in feeding but enjoyed some time with cats and horses first. She put the boys in the barn and I put Stella in the garage then she headed home after 8. Mom arrived before 8:30 to have a late supper. Then it was time for our routine evening; yogurt bowl with fruit and some Buy My House episodes.

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