Monday, September 12, 2022

Kaylin gets engaged

I awoke to cats loping along the deck and screeching; Stella is not a fan of Gulliver and it seems to be getting worse. I tried going back to sleep but maybe drifted till the usual 7 ish. After letting H out and putting in garage I did my usual Insta and game play with a cup of fresh brewed coffee. I moved to the computer to get blog posted and marketing going. S awoke for a coffee later on then to big brown to peruse his phone and take a few calls.

chair dry from last night

The dining table was up next with the wood filled edges sanded, primed then moving on to stain the tops. Both Amanda and I loved the warm up to the existing color and will see once dry if another coat is needed.

Inside I started to prep lunch; the last HF meal, a chicken salad. Extra eggs were hardboiled and the salad created just in time to eat with the news. S got a call at 12:30 and I got one soon after from Peggy; the companion hired to help Dad with his lunches. He was not responding to her even when shaken firmly so I changed out of my painting clothes and headed in. Indeed he was SUPER tired today with not much movement, no eyes open or talking whatsoever. I tried for awhile to try lunch but did get a few ever so slight shakes of the head when asked if he wanted a bite to eat but eventually took the ensure and wheeled him to his room. This was a task as his new slipper caught on the floor so had to go slow. Once in his room he still would not respond but was now at least squirmy in the chair a bit. I parked the chair, lifted his slight frame out and onto the bed and got him adjusted and covered with a blanket to help make cozy. Once he relaxed and was seeming warm and sleeping I left.

Cooper was picked up and I headed home in time to catch a short visit with Candace who was back on her way to Calgary to pick up a friend whose Dad took a turn while she was on vacation and could not get a rental car out of Calgary. She was off to get them before 3 and take back to Medicine Hat. S and I went out and gave Harley a well needed bath. Time for bedding changes and washing.

He then got in the skid steer to grade the weeds on the road/yard and I to work on computer chores. The house was tidied and S showered before Sharon and Darren arrived at 5 bringing chicken and fries for supper and a visit. It was a good catchup having been quite awhile since we had gotten together. Part way thru we got texts and photos of Kaylin and Nathan's romantic picnic and engagement! WHOOT WHOOT!  crazy fun fact, today was Kaylin's due date 31 years ago!

Dave came out to borrow the dump trailer to transport the bales Sheldon did for the neighbor to his barn. Sheldon and Darren went out with S unloading the wood with the skid steer for D then he was off after hooking up. Britt was out to do her horse stuff then came in to visit as well giddy with the news of the engagement. S and D headed home at 9 with Britt staying to visit for awhile before heading home. Time for bed with sports for S and iPad for me.

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