Thursday, September 15, 2022

Stella is BACK!!

Repeat day with Mom jumping in the tub as I made the coffee and got on marketing after H and I went and let the boys out of the barn and fed them. S and Mom joined me for a coffee and had a facetime chat with Shaina in the UK before his online Healing Journey class. I did part of this class last month so actually both he and I are signed up for this month so I listened while doing computer tasks.

I worked on the Latin floral dresser tutorial and as I was posting it to places I looked out just before 11 to see Stella walk up!!! YAY, she had a fox tail and such in her fur but was good other then that. Where have you been young lady?? 

Mr Jenkins welcoming her back

S helped me carry in the table top for the Paetz table as well as bring the white cabinet from cargo trailer around to the front entry for pickup at 1. Time to stage the table up.

B arrived with Cooper for her day off as I was picking bags of apples for Sharon and Mabel. She took off Bird's bandage, made food, rode Roo, poulticed Bird's leg and such. S enjoyed the day relaxing in big brown but did pop out on the deck to say hi to Stella. He enjoyed a nap there too after lunch and the news. The day has been mainly sunny but blustery 22.

The customer who bought the white cabinet arrived and had it loaded and off after 1. B and Coop headed home at 1:30 as I was working on the blog and updating my spreadsheets. I wrote a Hometalk post for the little teapot. My paint parcel was delivered at 3 then both S and I changed clothes, I loaded the leaf and pedestal for the Paetz table, bags of apples and zucchini and we were off.

First stop was Sharon's to deliver 1 bags of apples for her and her Mom and some more zucchini in exchange for more tomatoes. A short visit and we were on our way to the next stop to deliver the table to Paetz's and have a visit. 

A can hardly carry the family size zucchini :)

After our visit there I dropped of the library book, picked up the hot tub chemical parcel, returned the RV parcel then it was a stop at dollar store. S walked over to Opa to get us supper and we met at the car where I safely got us back home after 6.

We ate our supper and S was off to big brown to kick back and I to the computer to work on tutorials. Britt was out again to feed and trim Pepper's feet. I went and put Stella and J in the barn for the night and she put Gulliver in the garage for the night when she headed home. I worked on computer stuff till Kaylin. Nathan and Mom arrived before 9 after their supper date. A short visit then they headed home with their apple crisp care package and I went for a soak in the hot tub. Back inside a quick shower, made a yougurt bowl for S and I then we watched more Buy My House episodes.

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