Sunday, March 6, 2022

We all meet Baby Beans

Early start to the day as usual in Harley's world then coffee in bed after her breakfast. We moved to the living room for one where H hung out too.

I jumped in the shower while S went to let out kitties and take H for a walk mid morning. He snapped this full on hoar frost snow pics on his walk.

We loaded Harley up and off we headed thru the fresh snow and full on sunshine. We made a big loop over to the old house area and back thru the winery. As we came thru our horses trail ride by the dugout 3 coyotes were flushed out. S took a long shot towards one crossing our field but to far away. We reversed back to chase 1 too the east but again hit a fence line making it too far to shoot. Back home we went.

cruising video

flushing out the coyotes video

As we were eating our tuna sandwich after 12 B and Coop arrived. She had brought a sub to eat, S hit big brown for a nap and I heard the Etsy cash register bell!! Yeah, it was the green magazine rack. I took it all apart, wrapped all in bubble wrap with instructions and packaged up. Printing the label turned into a couple hour fiasco. The printer was not working AGAIN and after trying for an hour I called HP tech support who remotely logged in and after an hour and Kaylin, Shaina, Nathan and the pups arrived I told him I had to go and deal with it later.

couple videos of their meeting

Beans is adorable and got lots of snuggles with everyone. Harley was very excited to have a new little friend and Cooper was super curious. We played cards as I cooked meat sauce and spaghetti for supper as we did. After supper the Calgary crew loaded up and headed for home after 6. I called to catch up with Dad. B and Cooper headed home before 7 as S put the kitties away with raw food and I caught up the blog. S watched hockey and once the game ended we crawled into bed and watched Gemini Man.

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