Thursday, March 3, 2022

Spa day

H picked 3:30 to go out today then to the garage. I made coffee letting S sleep in and did last minute things before my first zoom call with my Body Smart coach at 10. Nas is his name, he seems very efficient in our hour chat.

Before we left at 11:30, I ran out and put Bird’s blanket on and soaked food while S backed out the car and let the cats out. Seeing H will be alone till Shaina arrives much later, I gave her an esophagus to keep her busy. Then we were off with the first stop was to drop the blood pressure monitor in town then to the city to deliver the record cabinet.

Lunch and a cold beer were enjoyed across the street in Crowfoot center and seeing we were right near SugarMe, I grabbed Kaylin an iced oat milk latte with sugar free vanilla :) A quick stop to drop and say hi and we were back on the road to K country with snow falling all the way.

We were able to check in once we arrived and relax with a cocktail or 2 before heading to the Knordic spa at 5:30. The evening was very relaxing and enjoyable moving thru most of the tubs, sauna and steam rooms. We even met a pair of Suncor employees in the exfoliation hut. A beer and cheese board were savored at the comfy bistro before enjoying one last hot tub. Shower and up to the massage floor was next. this time we had separate rooms and as I came out of mine I ran into Kandace Klaiber, a friend from Strathmore who I did not know worked there 1 day a week.

our room view of the back of the spa LOL

Back to the room; thanks to Shaina for this wonderful Christmas gift XOXOX!  The rest of the evening was enjoyed with pistachios, licorice and water to end a most relaxing day.

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