Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Sunny but freezing

Dam it was cold at -18 when I woke after 7. H had went out before I went to bed and to the garage and did not scratch until after I woke this am. It was so bright and sunny of course she thinks it is breakfast so was disappointed I waited till normal time. In the meantime I made coffee and sorted photos on the computer and a bit of accounting. 

Time to get another project on the go. I hauled the blond antique dresser over to be scrubbed thoroughly. To keep H busy I sent her out in the now -13 with her coat and a bison leg. Leaving the drawers/dresser to dry I came in to work on the blog. To the east I saw 2 coyotes move quickly along our hay field to get to the winery, of course H was too busy with bone to notice. I did go out and take it away after opening cat door and giving a bit of raw to them just before noon. Their raw food driver dropped off a delivery just after 12.

pretty green

blended with blue then all painted the green

I worked on the little white French provincial dresser tutorial which took a very long time with so much to share. Finally once finished at 1 (it wont be published for a few days) I decided to do my slated home workout. It seems I am not in very good shape and my knee is needing some work. I did it all though, yeah me.

Now I was off to the garage after guzzling water to sand the dresser before painting. I chose a soft green color I have been wanting to use and blended it with my favorite blue. Hello Fresh was delivered at 4 so I ran in to unbox and put in fridge then back to painting the rest of the surfaces the green and left to dry.

Turkish spiced salmon was cooked up for supper. The day was bright and sunny and so deceptive with the -double digits but at 6 H (again with her coat) and I took the cats food along with another washed horse blanket to put away, I did a poop scoop loop then seeing I needed my steps she and I hustled to the gate and back. The one direction was bitter with the wind but again we did it. Back in the garage I threw dog bedding in the wash. B and Cooper arrived at 6:30 as I was finishing loading so put on H coat and sent her back out to play.

After B and Coop let I took Harley to garage and gave her a well needed bath. Her blankets were changed and the ones in the washer put in the dryer along with some brushes washed before back in to catch up the blog while she dried in her freshly laundered kennel. I finished up after 8 and crawled into be to finish the 8th and final season in the Wentworth series. I then started a new series called The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window

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