Saturday, March 5, 2022

Sunny Saturday in March

Everyone had a bathroom break at 6:30 (it was -16!!) then back to bed with me awake after 7:30 and quietly playing a few brain games and updating fitness app before feeding H. S made coffee and we enjoyed a cup in bed before I chatted with mom (a a bit with Dad) getting my steps in with a second coffee. S moved to big brown and chatted with his parents. Plants were in need of water and computer work quickly addressed. A quick trip to the mail had my supplement parcel 1/3 frozen but all thawed so hope good.

my paint brush prize 

I tracked down all the fitness equipment (thanks to Shaina) that we have on hand to workout

A few more photos of the dresser were staged seeing the tulips are in full bloom.

S had a nap in big brown after a late morning bowl of cereal. B and Coop arrived at noon off to feed and frolic. Once awake S went out to push snow around the yard while B was in to rest. She then went out to ride Pepper and lead the horses around to the water and hay. 

The lilac tree was loaded with hoar frost, note the weeping tile protective trunk as J is scratching it to hell!

The road was then plowed after we loaded the recyclables into the truck box. Mom sent home grown honey so I divided up some tubs for the girls. B grabbed her tub and off at 2 leaving Cooper to stay till this evening as she has plans with friends to go to the city tonight. S measured the new tub location for wire length and I stomped the shape out in the snow. We then ran to town and unloaded all the recyclables, filled the truck but it only filled 3/4 full stopping at the $100 approval. Dyed farm diesel today was $1.563!!! And at the pumps it was $1.799!!! 

Rona for a few things then a last stop to grab fruits and veggies before back to the ranch. There was a paint parcel delivered while we were gone. I best get to painting soon :) 

I prepped the prime rib bison roast after feeding Harley and popped it in the oven. S jumped back in the truck with his gun and went out in the sunshiney day for a drive looking for coyote. I had put my kombucha brewery on hold for a few weeks having so many to drink but today I made a fresh batch of sweet tea and let it ferment. I peeled and prepped veggies to roast, vacuumed, washed floor and checked roast temps. S was back in about an hour spying not one living creature.

new drawer guides were replaced and the dresser is almost complete


The most delicious supper was served at 6 with B arriving about 6:15 to join us. It was so tender and tasty. S went to TV room after 7 to wait for 8 pm Flames game and after I finished cleaning up joined him. Britt worked on her online French lessons. Dave arrived after 8 to enjoy his prime rib plate then we all including Cooper watched the Flames win. They headed home at 10:30, (a fresh layer of snow had come down) and we watched another Vikings Valhalla before lights out.

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