Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Sideboard sells in 10 days

It is a gloomy dreary day. I woke early at 5:25 out of the blue and not long after H went out. She then went to the garage to nap till a late breakfast at almost 9:30. I share these daily times of hers and my wakeup times as a journal record in hopes of improving both our sleeps. ;) She and I let the cats out with a bit of raw then with an iced coffee I worked on catching up the blog, sharing sale posts and back to work on the sideboard tutorial. As I was doing so I had a customer email asking to come buy it today! I prepped the lights for viewing and care sheet and tidied the house for their arrival. Earlier I ran out to let the egg lady in the yard for a delivery and now ran back out to open it for the furniture folks.

They arrived before 1 and loved it. The fellow and I hauled it up and out into their vehicle meeting their puppy too. The gal paid and they were on their way. I finished the tutorial for it and shared on appropriate sale sites, sent to product sponsors and updated spread sheets. I forgot to post the blue dresser on sale sites so got that done too with a bowl of salad for a late lunch.

I went and caught Switch before her 2:30 farrier appointment. I am having a barefoot fellow stop and help with her separating white line. He is married to a polocrosse gal so have things in common too. He arrived and had her fixed up in short order. 

I came in to send his money after he was off and a few other accounting tasks. My workout was up next and as a reward once done I took my first hot tub alone. The chinook arch kept the sun at bay but it was 14 degrees out. The bees were hovering around but not as many as yesterday.

better view of wind wall and the tub

chinook arch blocking the sun

Once out I fed Harley, chatted with S then jumped in the shower. The last HF meal: chicken with dijon sauce was prepped while I multitasked grinding flax for the horse feed. The sun finally popped out and made a beautiful evening. B arrived at her usual 6:30 as I was eating this yummy meal to feed. I put cats away in my housecoat then helped her take photos of Roo before she gave her a lunge in the hay field. Before she left at 8 she trimmed H nails while she laid on the deck and I scratched her, THANKS B!!

Kitchen was cleaned and the blog caught up while watching the last few Life After Death episodes with yogurt and fruit bowl. I then moved to the bed to continue watching from there.

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