Saturday, March 26, 2022

Thrifting Saturday

H wanted out at 5:30 then to garage, it was -4 out. I dozed after a bit but awake early for a gloomy Saturday. I made a chai tea after feeding H to start my day and did some marketing quick. It has been almost a month since I started my Body Smart program WTH! I have achieved my weight goal and the workouts are getting a bit easier and the knee seems to be getting stronger. Yay! Britt asked if I wanted to go with her to the city today to thrift shop, yes please. Today however I have to do updated photos for the coach and fit my workout in so I got the photos taken and the workout underway. 

B arrived as I was finishing up so she soaked horse feed while I did my cool down and got dressed. We brought the dogs in and were on our way after 11. I did however forget to let the cats out, oops. We stopped at Greenhawk first to see if the brush she ordered had another she liked better but no so it was quick in and out. Then our thrifting adventures began. We checked out 5 shops and scored lots of treasures.

Time to pick up Cooper raw food before they closed at 3 and while heading east we stopped to get more flax and tasties at bulk barn with the last stop at Marshalls for some new duds! Whew time to put away the credit card and head further east. Looping thru town we unloaded all her goodies, grabbed Opa for supper and then back to the ranch before 5. We drove right to the shop to let cats out but Jarrod had done so when he dropped off the bison heads in the afternoon. The dogs were excited to see us of course and H had to fed before I finished my chicken wrap.

After she ate and relaxed a bit B went to feed the horses and lunge Roo, I fed the cats, brought in the bison skulls and snapped pics for S then got busy vacuuming the house. She and Coop headed for home around 7 as I started washing my floors. Kaylin messaged she ordered a new vehicle today, how exciting for her! I had a facetime call with Sheldon after testing the hot tub water again for his advice before adding more chlorine. Back outside I headed to put in chemicals, put cats away and haul the stools I sourced to the shop. Some poop was scooped and such before coming in to put on my suit and enjoy a soak in the hot tub with a smoothie for my late lunch B and I skipped. Bridgerton rounded out my Saturday evening after a shower.

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