Monday, March 21, 2022

Spa wind shelter created

Brisk -2 when I let H out at 5:30, 7:30 and still that when I awoke close to 8:30. H was fed then coffee in bed and relaxing till 10:30. Plant watering and internet perusing followed. We ate early at 11:30 then watched the news. I looked out at 12:30 to see what H and Bird were looking at and saw a coyote in the closest paddock slowly walking and watching. S grabbed his rifle, positioned out the deck door and took 1 deadly shot. Once the news was over and he was done on his phone as I sat with Dr Ho on my knee, he took the ranger to retrieve after the news was over and hmm and hawed as to skin it or not.

We then got busy with the wind fence plan. The horse shelter wind break slabs were the first plan but as we searched for 2X4’s we found extra house trusses and cut out a 12’ one out. While looking under the trailer in the wood pile we found barn wood S had hauled over from an old building when he built the coffee table. We hauled out 2 varieties; long thinner tongue and groove and thicker ones. They were pressure washed on both sides with a beer break between sides. 

this is the area we want to cover to provide a wind break and hide the tanks

zip discing the truss apart for the long board

We were short using all of one type of boards so took a drive in the ranger to the old building he found the boards at and the old house that fell with no luck. S dumped the coyote at the old grainry deciding not to skin it as it would take 4 hours of his life. Back at the house I saw the tulips are peeking thru!!  

The frame was built for the shelter fence using lumber we had in mez and from the truss.

The boards were cut and laid out into a pattern. One old board had writing on it … “... Caresland, Alta” was legible. I had to run in and feed H after 5.

We got the boards all screwed in place and looking good. It was a brisk blustery wind most of the day but after we built the fence frame it lessened and got warmer. B and Coop arrived as we were finishing up.

so happy we built this all with repurposed wood and wood we had on hand, no $$$ spent!

A few tools were cleaned up then I got supper going: maple mustard pork chops. S hooked up Dr Ho for his aches. We ate late again after 7:30. B and coop headed home before 8 as we changed and jumped in the hot tub. It had warmed up to +10 this aft and was now 7 and the wind all gone. We only soaked for 45 minutes today heating up quicker and S ran out of drinking water so inside to the hockey game for the prince while I did some accounting and blog catchup. I moved to the bed to join the hockey watcher and write todays blog post.

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