Wednesday, March 30, 2022

18 degree day to snow - rollercoaster weather

H went out before 2 then to the garage allowing me to get back to sleep till after 7 when I heard her scratch but left her there. I have a dull headache but see no weather change happening. I put on Dr Ho and played some brain games till after 8:30 when I fed her early and made coffee. I brought he sleepy prince his coffee in bed and we caught up on the week away. Once up he went to let cats out, dip a strip in the spa then adding chemicals as I caught up on marketing. He had an online meeting at 11:30 so I went out to prep more on the end table and valet then did a poop scoop loop . The sun was out in full force and went from -1 upon waking to 10 before noon.

The last of the soup was enjoyed for lunch with the news followed by another online meeting. S then hit big brown for a nap at 2 as I took H for our 1.6 MILE walk. Once back he was up and ready to go. We hopped in the ranger and looped around to do fence repairs fixing a missing staple and patching a broken lower strand on the north side. We then drove around to check the hay/poop to decide if need to skid steer tidy. It was now 18 out so once back at the shop we loaded 2 deck chairs and brought over to deck and enjoyed a cold beer in the beauty afternoon.

The wind started to pick up so we headed in. I fed H a bit earlier then we ate after 5 having the macaroni and sauce I made the other day. S hit the couch then took a call from Craig that took over an hour. I did my workout, unloaded the dishwasher and worked on the blog while he continued to chat. B arrived at usual time, fed her horses then rode Pepper and led them around to water. She then worked Roo in the round pen and rode her in a saddle today. S finally finished up the call at 7:30, we hit the hot tub for a soak in the sunset sunshine. B brought Roo over to experience the new noises before she headed home. The wind started to pick up and sent us inside at 8:15 in a hurry.

Peekaboo Harley

S watched the Oilers hockey game while I perused swim bottoms and spa supplies online and the winds howled. Rain started around 11 turning to snow at midnight. When I let H out before 3:30 the winds had let up and snow covered the ground. The moisture is welcome.

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