Sunday, April 18, 2021

SNOW day high of 2

Odd the birds were chirping at 6 but not when I let H out at 7 when the snow was falling quite well. It was plus 10 when I let her out at midnight then 6 when I looked during the night then 3 when I let her out and it was snowing. She did not want to go out in the snow so went to garage. The day hovered around plus 2 and snowed all day long.

This is the snow coming down when I sent her out after eating breakfast.

It was a great relaxing day for the prince who drank coffee and relaxed on the couch surfing the net. I tried to catch up marketing. B was out around 11; she and I scanned 40 documents she needed then S worked on her taxes which are super easy with just 1 T4. She joined us for leftover lunch then she fed her horses and blanketed Bird. She and Coop headed for home before 2.

I spent part of the afternoon working on a tutorial for the farmhouse vases as well as one for Hometalk too. S went out to shovel the deck and put the ranger away at 3, the snow was easing up and quit at 4 as I was cooking up a lasagna.

We were eating the lasagna before 6 and the sun came out! B text her roommate bought a house and will be moving out mid May. I think she inspired the young girl :) After supper we went out for a walk; 1 to remove Bird's blanket B put on and 2 to walk H after her day indoors. Back at the house we played a little ball which she loves. S launched the ball off the deck like a golf tee, see video below.

I had a friend drop off water kefir grains at B's and she picked me up a kombucha scoby from a lady in town after supper. Looks like I will have a couple new beverage projects to try. I worked on more tutorials and marketing with a yummy smoothie I made us. S was in bed watching TV when I joined to watch iPad with headphones starting a new season of The Circle. Shaina returned home before 10 and down to her room.

yet another great sunset

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