Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter Sunday all. Bummer though as I woke with a headache that will end up lasting all day. The weather was over cast with a brisk wind making for an ugly day outside. After a couple coffees we got the turkey scrubbed plucked and in a pan, thanks S and stuffed and put in the oven at 10:30. According to the package it should take 6 hours.

first turkey neck :)

Britt and Cooper were out mid morning hoping to ride until they saw the weather. It is threatening something to the west. I forgot to let her know the numbers were less after Sheldon uninvited the girls who went to Amanda L's 30th and she brought 3 dozen buns. Well it will get used with all the turkey I think. We proceeded to relax and chat in the living area. Some of us: Sheldon even had a good nap. It did eventually rain a wee bit then a bit of snow but any type of moisture is welcome. B did bundle up in my coveralls and feed Bird and Pepper then went home around 2:30 to do a few things while I dealt with the last batch of bone broth.

S peeled potatoes for me while I got a pickle tray ready. Just like Christmas the turkey was done an hour early after 3.. NOTE TO SELF!! :) Paetz's arrived not long after we pulled it out and covered to rest. I go the potatoes cooking and the gravy prepped to go. B was back in time to have a yummy Easter dinner.

After we ate B cut Cooper's food tubes and packaged into his meal containers, I fed Harley at the same time then they headed out to play for a bit seeing the ground was dry with only the skiff of moisture earlier. Not long after supper Britt packed up Coop and headed home having to work tomorrow. The 3 little kids went outside with Harley and Mr J.

the dark skies moved east

video of the play

Archer's new stuffy really looks likes Harley's blue soccer ball and was most interesting

Shaina arrived in mask after 6:30. She had gone to the gym and will no quarantine in her room. I had made her a turkey plate she enjoyed along with an oat milk paralyzer. Unfortunately I asked her to put the kittens away and when she tried Stella's razor sharp claws ripped her pricey long down filled jacket. This had her most upset and back to her room. I went to get them in but with the kids along, the kittens were no where to be seen. 

The Paetz crew loaded up and headed home after 9:30. I went back out and got Stella and J in and fed some soft food but could not find Luna in any usual places. I went in for a bit then back out to find her on the deck. I tucked her in with the others and inside to clean up. S was washing up the pots while I unloaded the dishwasher and we had it all done before heading to bed,

I did a quick check online before heading to bed and saw I had an Etsy sale this afternoon for the curly maple bowl! Yeah! I tried to fall asleep but seeing the headache had not ebbed at all I took a sleeping pill at 11:30 in hopes of a deep sleep.

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