Thursday, April 29, 2021

First visit to the newly owned SugarMe!!

H slept in the garage again last night but I woke expecting her to want out. I did go let her out at 7:30 and got the water going on the trees again. I fed her breakfast then into make a cup of golden milk and play some cookie jam while prince slept in. Once he got up he made coffee and let the kitties out . He hooked up the big oscillating sprinkler to save me hauling the little one to each and we let it go for an hour.

He ran to town to skim off some sod and bring the tree spade home. We are going to try and move the HUGE willow tree. We both are not sure it will survive but will do our best. I bottled and prepped a new batch of water kefir; blueberry ginger this time. Then I taste tested my first kombucha batch; yummy!

Once back we grabbed a quick snack jumped in the car and headed to the city. S has a CT scan starting at 1:15. Dropping him off there I headed up to see Kaylin's new business. It is a a lovely spa like space. I got the full meal deal with all my sugaring needs followed by a lash and brow tint. She and I then ran to Starbucks to get an iced coffee and have a visit in the car before I dropped her back at work and retraced my drive back to downtown Calgary to pick up S.

this is one of the lovely rooms

Our next stop was Costco where we found some pretty planter plants, some clothes and of course groceries including chicken tacos for supper. We arrived back home just after 6 to find Shaina and Britt had pulled in minutes before us. Britt was submitting her application for her fancy new veterinary nurse title. While it downloaded we all ate the tacos then she went out to feed horses and work Roo in the round pen. Shaina was off to do work after eating too.

Sheldon was excited to have the night off seeing it was windy so postponed digging the last big tree. Even though the wind let up there was battle of Alberta hockey game to watch. The lilacs got a good soaking moving between periods. Britt said there are huge mosquitos out, dang it! First real sign of spring LOL She and Coop headed home after putting kitties away at 8:30.

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