Friday, April 9, 2021

Another odd weather day

I did not get H fed till almost 9 today after letting her out at 6:45 to a beautiful sunrise then put in garage and back to bed. Today she tried clams and as always ate them no problem of course. I put out a venison search and find which she loves after her main breakfast too.

As I headed out to paint the chairs I saw I had an Etsy sale for the round bottomed turquoise vase, YEAH! I lightly sanded the chairs and started the paint process. It seems I forgot that white takes multiple coats so this is going to take awhile. I had 2 done before stopping to get the ironing board set outside on the deck for pick up.

I had opened the yard gate and looking thru the pots Shaina picked up last night, 1 should work so I scrubbed it up. Tash picked up her ironing board around 12:30. On her way out she saw a parcel at the gate so H and I walked down to retrieve it.

I had a bowl of soup for a late lunch around 1:30 then remembered the Etsy sale I needed to box up and get paperwork done. Shaina was up for an even later bowl of soup lunch then back to work. Back to the chairs painting 1 1/2 more as well as the table apron and legs. 

Seeing the weather straightened up around 3 with the sun out and hitting 12 degrees I hauled out the 2 leaves to sand outside. 

While I was going I finished the dresser top and drawer fronts. Shaina was heading to town to play basketball with friends after 5:30 as I was finishing up. She also took my Etsy parcel to post office, thanks!

Harley had stopped a few times of recent reminding me it was supper so I got the kefir changed, added to her supper along with an egg and she was happy. I tried the kefir before giving to her and it tastes ok. If you are wanting to try this super probiotic food let me know and I will share grains once I get mine growing.

Inside I cooked up meal #2 from Hello Fresh; Mediterranean beef and zucchini ribbons. I adapted the recipe to cook the zucchini and loved the recipe. I enjoyed it alone although B and Coop did arrive as I was eating. She mixed food and was off to feed. I went and put cats away with some soft food then a frozen duck neck was given to each dog. They had a blast eating and chasing each other. B fed the last of her horse cookies then came in for a bowl of turkey soup. Kaylin had requested some frozen which I did at lunch for her to get on Wednesday when she is out to have Lexi's stitches out. Then she and Cooper set off home after 7:30 as the winds picked up for a bit.

I watered all the plants waiting to repot figgy till a new pot plan is certain. Shaina was home at 8 and ate the remaining hello fresh meal then off to the basement. I wrote a tutorial for the ironing board while watching Netflix. I tried a few new series but finally chose Behind Her Eyes; not sure if I will finish. I headed to bed after having a snack and chatting with Shaina after 10 and finished a second episode of it.

Lexi's eye is healing up nicely

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