Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A couple spruce trees and some lilacs planted at the ranch

I was feeding H and had set out a venison find it search when S got up to make coffee. Shaina was up not long after and off to the gym. By up I mean upstairs as today she was making cappuccino at 6:45 for her 7 and 8 am meetings and back for another cappuccino before 9.

Shaina was back at 11 with Tims treats as were were loading in the truck to head over to a neighbors. They too are moving to town and had some furniture to give me. The stop took almost an hour as they like to visit but we were back home, got them unloaded in the garage in time for the news. S made scrambled eggs for us then had a sleepy Tuesday nap.

I love the apron detailing and the huge screw in legs on the dining table however the leaves are missing and it does not close together lol but it did come with a $350 retail piece of glass custom fit for it

This sideboard? has me a bit perplexed as the marble and the blue shiny tiles dont seem to fit. I want to turf the marble but maybe is I paint it a warm white and change out those tiles on the back??

Sheldon was off to town to dig his first professional move tree at 2. Shaina and I worked on her taxes then she was off to have a shower and I did a water kefir batch. Back to my favorite ginger lime flavor.

first tree out

Sheldon was back before 4 with the tree. It was a scramble to fill the deep holes we dug with the top soil as the tree basically was bare root with it being so dry. 

We got it planted, temporarily staked and watering it in while he was off to get another one after 4:30. Shaina left heading to Banff for the week after 4.

first one planted!

Sharon took this video of SLiK Services in action

I did the milk kefir change then fed Harley and S was back with 4 trees in shortly after. I went out and he and I got the HUGE spruce in then moved to the 3 lilacs which we had holes dug on the north side. 

HUGE one planted

I pruned the lilacs as we went, he ran to the pit for more top soil and by 7 we had them all in slowly watering them in as we went. 

I noticed on the way to the house that the new huge tree had curling reddish brown ends with a bit of white fuzzy. My instinct was to cut and burn but only did a handful and tossed in firepit. This is not good; of course I posted a photo to gardening groups only to have 20 different opinions . 

Inside I got veggies chopped and in the oven to roast. S seasoned the steak and got the barbeque hot. I took a quick shower then he did before we enjoyed a yummy late supper. Time to get the kitties put away while he ran the hose over to the lilacs to water them.

our two dogs :)

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