Monday, April 5, 2021

Another Etsy package off and project started

I found all the horses in the yard when I let H out at 7; seems the yard gate was left open and they thought they best come do some fertilizing and grass trimming. I left them as it was below zero so hooves should not push thru grass. S pulled on his pants and shooed them out around 8 when he got up to make coffee. My headache still persists so I tried two migraine pills in hopes of losing it then fed Harley. I made quarantine Shaina an oat cappuccino - she has been dairy free for a week or so now, and delivered to her to get her check in day underway.

Time to get the Etsy bowl packaged up and documents done ready for S to drop when he passes thru town. He kindly took a break from sports news and  hooked up the horses trailer for me as we are taking some to chiro along with the dogs tonight. 

Lunch was you guessed it turkey buns!! The tryptophan kicked in and S was asleep before the news was even half over. Headache is easing up finally. After his nap, S headed to the airport after 2 swinging thru town to drop off taxes and my Etsy parcel, thanks!

Time for me to get to work. The ironing board was stained on the top and the base painted a pretty new milk paint color.

This it the dining table top I have to do.. it is in bad condition and I am kind procrastinating.

After 6 I went out and caught Switch and Bird ready to load to take to Murrays. B arrived bringing me an ice cap. I loaded the 2 while she caught Roo then I loaded Harley and she Cooper and we were off arriving at our 7 pm chiro a few minutes early. Murray worked his magic on Switch, Bird, Roo, Harley and Cooper. Once all loaded up we were back to the ranch just after 8. Horses unloaded, Britt put together food for Pepper and Bird. It seems I forgot to add water to one of the dishes so they had to split it, oops. I put the cats away and scooped all the horse poop in the yard from their overnight invasion. B and Coop headed for home before 9. 

Shaina had gone to town to the gym and for groceries and was back around 10. She made guacamole and we enjoyed it while looking thru a stack of photos Heather had mailed from years gone by. Then we both headed to bed for a good nights sleep but I did have to watch an episode of Away first :).

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