Saturday, April 10, 2021

KD gets a trim -

I missed another amazing sunrise by minutes to take the photo but watched the big glowing ball rise at 6:50 while H did her thing. I put her in the garage but could not fall back asleep so perused some kefir and raw food YouTubes before getting up and letting the cats out in the sunshine then to feed her after 8. A quick shower and on with the day.

I made a cap and got marketing and the ironing board tutorial shared an a few link up parties.  Shaina was rousted to have a cap and get going, she has a dentist appointment in the city at 10. She was loaded up and out the door at 9:15 pushing her time of course :) I put a milk paint order in and did some more computer work.

Britt and Cooper arrived at 11 trimming Harleys toenails while Coop did his biz then out they went. B walked out and caught KD, I met her in the barn and we trimmed her up, B caught Roo and put her in the back on track blanket for a "treatment". KD had her bridle path trimmed then we did naughty Roo's. 

I stopped in the garage to spray the yellowing spots with spray shellac and left to dry while I came in for a sandwich while B took these 2 for a loop around the yard. She then fed the 2, unloaded the toy box she picked up for me then headed for home around 1:30. 

no Harley I think bully is really broken this time

Again the weather turned overcast and the wind picked up. I got back to work on the dining set. The rest of the chairs were painted a coat of white, the legs and leaves. I am sure all profits from this set will go to massage and chiro LOL I finished up, washed brushes and came in for a decaf cap and catch up blog.

I added a piece of orange peel to the kefir and let it sit for an hour. This is second fermentation with a flavor tip I learned this am on YouTube. The grains went into a wee bigger jar back in the cupboard. H was fed and ate while I had some leftovers then we went to put J away with the kittens who were much smarter and hunkered down in the shop at 6. I gave them some soft offal but they preferred the addictive kibble I added too. The wind is cool but nothing else has come of the ugly weather.

I ordered these online but are pretty tiny for the big galoot, think I will get brownie sized then can make brownies too.

I was excited my toenail was finally ready to come off after MONTHS of growing out but I did not check the other side before pulling ;( it did not go well (NOTE video graphic)

The evening was perusing amazon for some silicone molds while watching Behind Her Eyes moving to bed to finish it. I was not sure about it but there are only 6 episodes and the ending wraps it up with a AHAA! twist. I then watched a bunch of youtube videos. I went and tasted some of the orange kefir and like it, this will work for me :)

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