Thursday, April 15, 2021

17 degree day

The silly robins woke me after 6 am and it was not even fully morning. Then my roomie was snoring and suffering nasal issues but H was quiet till after 7:30. I let her out then into the garage then got up and fed her after 8. My paint parcel arrived via courier before 9, S in his housecoat went and opened the yard gate for him and left open for the table pick up in a bit. Of course the horses saw this and made their way to the grass in short order. S let them thru to the paddock gate which contained them for awhile. He let the kitties out on way back.

I did a final check on the dining table and had S help me move it to the door after a couple cups of coffee. Of course I noticed an edge so added filler, dried with a hair dryer, then paint and sealer. My paint sticker was added and a care sheet made ready just in time for them to arrive at 9:30. They loaded it all into two cars like a tetris game then were off. I vacuumed the main floor quick, we put the dining table back and the chairs then I opened my paint parcel.

We then headed outside to decide where to dig holes for the 2 rose bushes and 3 lilac trees. However the one call was not to be filled today which was a bummer. There was no moving trees out. We came in for a quick tuna bun and the news. S hit the couch while I went out to walk with Amanda and the 2 littles who arrived after lunch. They rode their bikes to the gate and back. The wind had picked up now which was a bummer but it was still very sunny. We came in for a visit and treat quietly while S had an online chat going then they were off around 1:30.

Back out to the wind I dug dandelions that are coming up. Once done his call S came out to fix the drip system in the front beds. I trimmed the red dogwood tree meeting on the deck for a cold beer in the 17 degree sunshine. I mixed up some pizza dough and left it rise. B had complained of something dead smelling in the mez, then Archer said the same thing today. I sniffed around and there was one area that seemed suspect. S came in after checking finally and found a beer box with a roll of bison salami in it from months ago.. lol. dead smell found so he drove it way out in a field dumping the tree branches and poop on the way.

H was fed, kefir swapped then the pizza made. We were just finished when Shaina followed right behind by B pulled in at 7. B fed her horses and was gone having a friend over for dinner. Shaina had pizza and was excited to show us her new Invisalign. I put the kitties away with soft food and everyone relaxed catching up on work and internet perusing. S moved to the bed to watch baseball, I headed there to watch videos after checking out some house for sale online with Shaina. Harley decided to sleep in the cooler garage for the night.

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