Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Sheldon makes a city run

 I held Harley off till 7:30 today then we headed out on yet another blustery fall like morning. Once bathroom duties and a bit of steam was run off we were in the garage for breakfast and eye meds then back in to the first cappuccino. I got to work finishing loading a ton of videos on the blog and such. Sheldon came out in his camouflaged gonch around 9 which had Harley sharing her first barks. Seems she is not a fan of them LOL, he made his pot of coffee and back to bed perusing sale flyers planning a trip to Cochrane to pick up a new ranger seat that the tabs all broke off. I wrote a tutorial for the last green pepper grinder then got the Costco list up to date as he will swing by there too.

early morning tug a war video in slo mo

Being up so early had me hungry before lunch so I had a roast beef sandwich and S a hot roast sandwich after 11. It was then time for another walk while S loaded up and was off at noon. Time to get some painting done. In the garage I started clear waxing the coffee table while H chewed on her bone. Trying to decide where the new kennel for garage could go I cleaned out the far corner rearranging and tossing some pieces. B and Cooper along with the very dopey Jenkins were out at 1. She loaded tack and such as we are to have a cattle clinic tonight but once she checked Roo she found her leg still sore so we cancelled.

tired hot puppy after that big play (video)

The dogs had a play run in the round pen that was extra long today then I put her in the kennel and helped Britt with Roo before she jetted off for a massage in Calgary at 2. Eye meds and a new plan for the kennel; along the wall by the boot rack. More sweeping and organizing but it looks good. Until I was painting at the table and realized once the car was back in all views would be blocked. I had tried bringing Cooper in the garage but Harley was a bit more bull in a china shop then outside so let him out in short order as he was feeling anxious. Nap time for little miss. I dark waxed the coffee table and had it all most finished when I realized there was a missing knob so had to find replacements and paint them.

peek a boo Harley

Sheldon was back at 4 making quite a speedy trip hitting the 3 stores. He brought in the goods and checked out the new seat fit. It seems to be exactly the same so a bit concerned it too will have the tabs snap but will see. I brought Cooper in and took Harley for a walk only to have Mr J come wobbling over to see me which had Harley SUPER interested in meeting or eating so I had to call S and have him come out of the house and put him in the shop for his safety until I learn how to introduce properly tomorrow at her first lesson.

I did another coat on the knobs and worked on the blog (you may notice they are very detailed as of late with all the adventures) while S finished the rail seeing I called him outside. He then cut a tenderloin into steaks.

Britt was back from the city after 5:30 (good thing we were not going to the cattle clinic as running late) she hosed Roo, put on a poultice and fed Bird while I mixed Switch's herbs and fed her. Of course another few kitten snuggles as Cooper checked them all out. B was off for home around 6.

Supper was so good. As per new routine I took Harley out after I scattered food in garage. Poor girl was tuckered and will have a late supper seeing it is now after 7. The moldy bale customers arrived while she was eating so we went back out to expose her to new vehicles driving in and people moving about. Sadly it is already getting dark now after 7 and the smoke did not help. It was only 12 ish today.

Back to the house for us all where I worked on the blog and S hit the TV room. The hockey game was in 3rd period but low and behold it went into double overtime. I watched some Netflix before taking Harley back out after 10. She seems to not be a fan of the dark so after drinking water and coercing her to pee she headed back to the house and the kennel for the night.

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