Monday, September 21, 2020

S heads north after 3 weeks off

Harley was awake just before 7 so I put on housecoat and took for for a quick bathroom break then back in the kennel with peanut butter in her qwizel. 

Can you see the herd of deer behind her in the pasture? She never scented them

I tried to lay back down but of course once I am awake this does not happen so I got up and took her to the garage to have breakfast. While she was eating I went and gave J his pills, checked on the kittens and let J out on my way back to the garage. H eye meds and some explore time while I sanded and distressed the drum table. It is a GORGEOUS last day of summer; no smoke, no wind and loads of sunshine.


Time to get a coffee and a quick computer check. S served a cup then was back to bed. J was out on the deck when H wanted water so we did some cat therapy on leash which is getting a bit better. She really just wants him to play which will not be happening. She and I looped around the garden to pick a couple zucchinis then back past J a few times and inside. S was listening to some financial podcast for the morning and relaxing in big brown. He did try visiting with H at the front door inside mat but he brings out her playful side and preferred to drink his coffee in big brown.


Computer work, another coat of clear wax on the desk top then back outside around 11:30. S got dressed and helped us find wood to set up a cat safety door to the mez. We came in to clean up some leftovers for lunch. Back at the computer I did a bit of accounting and tutorial prep while S relaxed in big brown with his phone.

The sunshine finally called him so we took Harley out for some kitty training and it is going very well. S had his changeover phone call on the deck too so we continued to walk then sit and observe the horses for awhile then go to the garage for eye meds, a snack and weigh her. Harley is 83 pounds today. S finished up his call, grabbed his bags and was off after yet another 3 week hiatus to the north around 3:30. I hemp oiled the drum table then H and I came in to continue computer work.

For supper I created a Kale salad I saw on Marilyn, it was really good, as well I made a protein smoothie. 

left eye still puffy, the rescue is checking in with vets but may have to take her up to Ponoka to get a check.

Here is a video view of it I sent them as well. Poor girl I want it to heal fast.

Then it was to the garage for H to eat while I wiped the oil back. This 23 day has turned a bit smoky late afternoon but still nice out. Time for another walk, I noticed the gal from the vets was at the gate dropping off kitty dewormer on her way home. H and I made our way their very slowly but made it. The horses wanted out badly so followed us most of the way to the gate and back which had H nervous. New lady at the gate was another exposure but she did well. On our walk back to the house it seems I lost the pills and receipt so back we went half way to the gate.  


Back to the garage to dark wax the table. It looks lovely don't you think?.

B and Coop were out after 7 as I was finishing up. H and I went out for a quick play with C in the round pen then a leash walk out to the horses where Britt was feeding. When Cooper is off leash it is a struggle as he deeks and dives and wants to play getting her all excited to play and makes it hard to concentrate on behaving on the leash. In the barn I gave the kittens their dewormer and B gave J his pills and tucked everyone away for the night. They headed home and we to the garage to get eye meds (almost out and waiting for vet direction) and tuck her in the kennel. I did some computer work then watched the last of Home Edit stopping to take H out for the last potty break at 10.

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