Sunday, September 13, 2020

Lots of videos to share

 My sleep was very minimal as I worried the pen may be toppled so kept an ear out thru the night and checked a couple times. When I got up after 7 and checked all was good with the pen but seeing we had made it so large gave her the idea it was a run so she had 2 big poops and a pee in the corner.. SMELLY!

I learned in a few videos and chatting with her shelter trainer that she was never fed from a bowl but rather had to work for her food. So this is my lesson of the day to learn how to do this. I started with some basic commands as well as scattering the food for her to pick up once back from our first walk of the day. It was far to blustery and cold being in a short nightie and house coat so inside to dress quick then took her back out to the round pen to run. 

Back to the garage I cleaned up the pen and hosed the floor then was in for a coffee at 8:30. S was up a bit later to start his coffee consumption.  I gave Harley a folded toilet paper tube with food as a fun puzzle I learned last night too.

I started hauling all the kitten stuff to the stall and get it set up. Once it was set up the kitties went out to their new playland.

Sheldon took this adorable pic of Miss Stella

the new matching set

I had S take out the crate tray and blanket to once again clean it out. I vacuumed and brought in Harley's blanket and then her after another walk. She was pretty stoked about this upgrade and was soon snoring. This works great as my computer is right beside. Cooper likes it when he is in their and I am on computer too. The table customer stopped out at 11:30. I put the table on the deck but forgot the hotwire so had to go open for her.

Seeing all were settled and we needed dog food a trip to town was great now. I rustled the house coat wearing Sheldon from his football viewing TV room to get dressed. We were off to town stopping first at Peavy; no luck then to pet valu with success. Britt met us to be sure we got the right food. Then she and I hit up walmart for more dog gear as well as trying Dollarama. S stayed in the truck for all but Peavy but did spray the remainder of Britt's grass when we stopped their quick. On the way home we grabbed an ice cap and Opa!!

Back at the ranch I ate quick then took Harley out. S ate and was back to the TV room for a nap LOL En route to the round pen again she found Cooper's ball and was so excited. We were there when Britt and Cooper pulled up after 2. B took him to the barn and I put her back inside. Part of the recommended advice is to give an adopted pet 3 days of decompression and to keep the bubble small. Introductions to other pets after that. Oh and I don't think I mentioned all outings are on leash recommended for 30 days. That might be long, we will see.

B watered the arena while I watered my garden and flowerbeds then opened the garage door to air it out, fold up the pen, haul out mats and sweep. I drove the quad to the back arena door and B harrowed the arena then walked out and caught Roo only to find she had a swollen leg which meant she could not ride her so hosed and wrapped. Then she and I caught the other horses, brought thru the yard to the paddock and B quadded to close winter pasture gates to lock them in. I fed Switch and sent her out with the kitties on my shoulders. Cooper just is so smitten with them its crazy.

I came back in to work on the blogs I have neglected while Harley snored. She started to get restless after 5 so text B who was feeding Bird after her ride. She put her out and Cooper in the shop and I walked Harley over. It was been 48 hours since they saw each other and seeing they were introduced when we got her and it has been a bit we let them expend some energy. Harley also found a new delicacy in Bird's fresh poop smudge left. S actually rose from the basement to come watch the play and grab a jacket, finish of the spray jug and back to the house.

last video of the day, remember RSS feed/email versions do not show videos and today and yesterday there were allot

Time for water and some scattered supper search and few commands for Harley while B checked on Roo loaded Cooper and was off for home before 6 having left J at condo today with all the chaos here.

Finally I got the gotcha day post for Harley finished and posted. Seems I have been a bit busy. S kindly cooked burgers for supper and used the mat to heat the left over new potatos, so yummy! He was then off to TV land while I did some more computer work. Just after 8 S grabbed some carboard for me at the shop and cut to fit a saddle pad I need to mail. I took Harley for a walk, run in the round pen then some grub and eye meds. Have I said her eyes get ointment 3 times a day? Today they seem to look a bit better esp the right eye.

Back inside I kenneled her, taped up the box and got the postage price. While doing so it was now dark outside (only after 8 ;( ) and she could see my reflection in the window and was low growling. This is the first noise heard, she must be decompressing. I found a trainer nearby who specializes in Corsos and personal bodyguard work. She will just take the obedience portion but looking forward to it. Josh (Diego's former owner) reminded me today of the endless hours he put into D who he got very mean and aggressive, D??? who knew.

I hit a hot soak in the tub starting a new Netflix series B suggested called Home Edit. It was ok but once I was out and in bed I switched to reading the pamphlet from the rescue which had great tips and more training videos then an Umbrella Academy episode.

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