Friday, September 18, 2020

Mr J returns for good this time

Up after 7, pull on socks, fluffy housecoat and a warm hoody then Har and I do the loop, breakfast in the garage, eye meds then some free play while I put a second coat of paint on the desk. She completely decimated the tuff ball on one end of the tug toy. So far only antlers and bison bones survive her chewing. The coffee pot went off so she and I came in for the next part of our morning, She rested in the kennel, I made sleeping S a coffee which rousted him and I got busy catching up the computer work. I put the chicken carcass on to simmer for soup too.

right eye continues to improve while left (which had surgery twice) still has a suture reaction

S spent the morning learning about car brake pads and rotors then ventured out to jack up the car and see what it needed. I headed out to to walk Harley then back in at 11 to find Shaina up so she dressed and came out to do kitty conditioning. Thanks Dude for your help.

Shaina was packed up and off for the city just before noon. We enjoyed a chicken sandwich and S caught the news while I worked on photo sorting. B requested roo's bandage off again so I went out at 1 to do so then S and I cleaned windows. I vacuumed and wiped sills as well on the inside and the floor as I went.


Once the house was done I took Harley out for a walk as S did outside of garage and shop with bucket of soapy water system. The kitties got a snuggle while H explored in the arena then we were off back to the garage. I did touch up on the desk. S popped in to have a beer and we played with Harley then I started to wax the drawers. But stopped there as the soup needed veggies chopped.

see the ball in action with this video

After picking meat of the bones S headed to town to pick up car rotors. I worked on the soup and blog posts then enjoyed a hot bowl of soup when S returned an hour later. There was a parcel at the gate. S had bought milk jug fly traps that did not work all that well so he had called to see if they had suggestions. They offered to send a replacement. Turns out they sent and entire CASE of 24!

Harley and I went to the garage and I clear waxed the rest of the desk while she had supper and played ball. S was off to change the pads and rotors after eating. We stopped by on our walk and came face to face with a horse or to. She wanted to play with them, oh my.

Back inside I soaked in the tub. B was out late bringing J back to the ranch new food and pills as well. She fed Bird and leg checked Roo then tried to clean Luna's poopy butt with no luck. She had Harley wanting to play with her for a bit then we tried trimming her hails with food distraction but she was in playful mood so only 3 feet done. She and Cooper set off for home opening the gate for the horses on her way. I took Harley out again at 10 in housecoat for a walk and of course J thought he should come see me but decided against it when he got close. Back to the garage where she will sleep tonight in the kennel and I back to bed. S finished up the car, showered and was surfing the net while I tried to drift off to sleep.

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