Thursday, September 24, 2020

4 chairs painted

The wind howled all night and had the deck furniture really bouncing in the early morning. I continue to move the wake up time for H getting dressed and out at 7:45. It was blustery and cool but we did our thing including giving J his last set of pills, filling kitten food, cleaning litter and opening the door. Back to garage to eat and for me to get busy painting the chairs. I got 2 completed with first coat with help of 1 cappuccino and my shop dog who loves snooping around and chewing her bone on the comfy mattress.

One must be careful where she dips her brush :)

I had another hour webinar at 10 finishing up in time and making a fresh cappuccino to sip while watching. When it ended I wrote a Hometalk post for the white S&P set. Last bowl of chicken soup for lunch and outside for a walk. It was a warm sunny 23 but the wind still blew. H and I checked all the shelters and found the minerals all gone. Back at the barn there was only a bit left so it was put in closest shelter tub. The kittens needed water so off to the house to fill and put back in their stall.

The next 2 chairs were painted while Harley tore apart the mineral bag, chewed on her bone and finally had a nap; success! It did not last long but happened. I also threw a load of rags, towels, horse wraps and dog blankets thru the garage laundry facilities.

Anyone need a professional paper shredder?

We came in at 3 for a snack and drink and computer work. While updating the blog I had a message asking to purchase the drum table. I only shared a sneak peek last night and had yet to post for sale so that is great. Back in the garage I cut the foam mattress to fit Diego's old bed cover. It worked great but H is almost to big. I was going to cut the remaining to fit in the night kennel but when I put it up to cut she leapt up like it was a bed. I may try it for a bit as is before cutting.

cutting was sooo exciting

loving it once stuffed in the case

In and out many times meeting J on a few. I watered the garden to get the last few zucchinis as well as leash maneuver around. H and I worked on "place" command on the new dog bed. 

I was eating a late supper of the leftover taco meat and zucchini when B & C arrived after 7. She took the quad with food to bird then was off for home. Out for a walk putting J inside then back in to computer watching training videos and trying to get blog caught up. My aim to do the last walk of the day at 9:30 went out the window but we did head out before 10 then put in garage kennel for the night. I crawled into bed and ended up watching yet more videos. I was just drifting off at 11 when Shaina called saying she was on her way to spend the night. I was listening to my sleepy meditation music when she arrived after 11:30.

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