Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Dog lesson day

I pushed the wake time for Harley today till 7:45 giving me time to wake up slowly rather then jumping up and outside ASAP. It was a brisk 5 degrees out but so cool with the fog low in the pasture. It was moving fast but I did get a few pics quick. 

Todays feeding was in a suggested homemade slow feeder egg carton. I filled and ran to do cat duties. Mr J only had 2 more pill times and watched the kittens run around for a bit from the safety of the stairs. Seeing one of the chairs was not exact the customer choose 2 of each brand so while I was there I grabbed the partner from the mez and back to the garage. The slow feeder was in pieces of course :)

I scrubbed up the chair then we looped around to the front picking veggies and then inside. The drum table had a few pics snapped finally.


 Time for a shower then I added a clear coat of wax to the S&P and snapped some pics. 

Then off we went again looping back around to the garage where I sanded the chair edges and dings then sealed with stain finishing oil. 

Don't let the photo fool you, if he jumps up to move she is ready to jump too


I was just finishing up when B and Coop arrived at noon. She has Wednesdays off for the next few months. I took Harley out who was doing great on leash even with J until she sees Cooper. They got a rip around the round pen then H to the kennel to catch her breath while I ate a bowl of salad and back out to trim feet. Britt was working then riding Roo in the round pen so I caught Switch and got started. We had them  finished in hour and a half but it was a chore as both had full false soles to remove and at 23 it was a warm one even with door open. 

Harley's first lesson was set for 3 but we ended up late as Britt changed her mind about taking us and rerouted thru town giving me her car once at her condo. Even driving 120 I was 15 minutes late making for a very hurried but successful lesson. Loaded up and on the road back to Strathmore I swung thru A&W to grab a burger even though 4 and ate it as I drove to Tim's to pick us up an iced coffee then to B's. She jumped in and drove us home and was off back to town. 

I had text for her to open pasture gate but she did not get it in time so Harley and I practiced her walking skills to do it. Back at the house I put her in the kennel and went and closed the yard gate. She takes a wide berth around it as she touched it the other morning with her mouth and has since never gotten close. The S&P customer wanted to pick them up but seeing yard gate was up and I would have to open I wrapped them up and took to the main gate for her. I kept H busy while I went feeding her supper in the garage then we went for yet another walk. At the round pen she was very excited to find fresh horse poop Britt did not clean up, yuck!! I cleaned it up then we looped the grass scooping a shovel full of various non H dog piles yet again. This is when I really appreciated Lola never pooped within the yard, always in the pastures.

Computer work and rest for H then out before 8. The news said the wind would pick up and that it did. We picked up J on our walk and took him to the barn, closed doors and gave him pills checked on the kittens and back to the garage where I put in her last eye meds. We are now to wait 10 days and reassess with the rescue vets. Fingers crossed the suture dissolves and reaction goes down. I also found out today she had 3 eye surgery dates with the last one Aug 21. Kennel time while I changed into PJ's and watched part of The Secret. It is an oldy but a good reminder for gratitude and positivity.

I moved the last walk of the night to 9:30. H does not like the dark, she barked at a shadow behind us. Third time really she has barked in 2+ weeks. Seems funny seeing she is so big but really only a puppy. The wind was blowing things everywhere too but we mastered our potty chore then tucked her away for the night and I to bed to try and finish the show but shut off with 15 minutes left.

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