Sunday, September 27, 2020

Long line and some loose time for H

Apparently bird season starts at 7 am! Beauty morning, no wind and sunshine on our first outing by 7:30. Wanting to get my dog toy order in we tried B's jolly ball for Roo and man did she love it. I am ordering a smaller soccer ball that she is going to love too. We let J out while at the barn.

watch how much fun she had with the jolly ball

Remember the violet leaves I planted on May 1st? FINALLY we have a baby plant almost 5 months later!

Today we tried part of her breakfast in the bowl with a sit and wait. It takes her seconds to eat. Inside for my computer work she got her frozen qwizel. Seeing it was so nice I put her on her long line and went and did gardening. She did great with J and hanging around as I pruned and plucked. We took the glass ball inside and I got busy smooth/distress sanding the chairs. H played and eventually had a nap on her mattress. 

I even went in at noon for toast and she kept sleeping. Britt and Cooper arrived about then and she still slept on. I went out to see what B was doing; trimming Bird and she was still on the mattress when I got back. I rousted her to go play with Cooper in the arena then in the round pen. Britt fed Bird outside and we hung out around the horses doing ok, not as good as cat progress.

Inside working on computer and H resting in her kennel, Britt brought Cooper in asking me to watch him while she went to the city to have Kaylin sugar her. She was off before 1:30. Cooper was anxious she was gone and paced so I let him out then in then out and finally I decided to take them both for a walk. This worked out pretty good seeing Coop walks well on a leash.

 I gave them play time in the round pen then back inside. This time Cooper wanted in the kennel as his usual routine but he was not as excited to chew an antler like H on the mat so tried them both in the garage which was not what Cooper wanted. He is always nervous in there and his speed cannot be used so out he went and H napped on her mattress. I took her out around 4:30 to pee and play in round pen then hang out on the long line. B arrived back from the city and picked up Cooper and headed home.

watch these two :)

I tied H to the door as she was tuckered then cut my cross pollinated squash/zucchini and brought in the carrots to wash I picked this am. She did great waiting as cooler out there. Inside she wanted in the garage and stood by food bag so we did 1 cup of food and she napped on her mattress for a couple hours. I kept checking as I cooked chili and she was all snuggled up every time.

While the chili cooked I hauled in the chairs and snapped a few pics. Laundry I have been doing last few days was folded and put away, the floor finally vacuumed and other house keeping chores. A few more training videos while I ate my bowl and did some blog writing. Just before 7 I rousted H to come with me to take a couple toys to the kitties. After checking J's food too I went out to get him calling as I went. As I came out the shop door I saw a big black cat with white bib on the bale stack but it quickly ducked down. H did her #2 duty and I shuffled her back to the garage and hurried back out.

J came as I called but no black cat. I scooped poop with him quick and put him in for the night then jumped up on the bales to look between. No luck. If only Harley would have saw to confirm my vision. Now that the cats were in the shop and horses far east I let H out with me to cover the zucchinis as now there is a frost advisory. She stuck by me for a bit then realized she was free. She did trot to the horse gate and not keen to come even for a liver treat but I walked closer and she did. Then she trotted along sniffing and coming for a few before I put her in the garage. Again she hunkered down on the mattress and did not want to come in to house while I caught up todays blog. I again checked as I took out recycling and still on the comfy spot. I caught up on a bit of computer work then took her for last walk of the day and to bed for both of us. Of course I had to watch some YouTube before shutting lights out.

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