Saturday, September 5, 2020

Fencing almost complete

Both of us woke in the night with a super sore throat.. Kaylin? Asher? Seeing today was forecast as hotter then yesterday we aimed to get out to the fencing fairly early. This goal was achieved as I left the horses out into the big hay field just before 10. They were stoked to find alfalfa and oats at the well head sites. 

We got busy finishing installing the gate and rails. Luckily we had lots in the stash and used some that had been broke for the shorter edges. Recycle reduce reuse.

small gate added between barn paddock and closest

inspector crew 

railing done to winter pasture, just need gate

Two hours later as the temperature climbed we hit the A/C for lunch and one of us a nap. I worked on tutorials until we ran to town after 3 to pick up a new 16' gate for the new opening. We also tossed trash then looped thru Tims so I could run in and get us an ice cap. Back at the ranch it was unloaded, the shorter one loaded up, taken to the storage area unloaded and we headed back into the A/C. It was now 30 out!!

Some found their way into the east paddock

Britt and her peeps were out just before 5 informing us the Kentucky Derby was about to start. We watched it then she and I went out to trim Roo and Pepper. The heat was a challenge but we got it done. They are forecasting a real drop in the temps and rain for the rest of long w/e so we wanted to get it done. She did a yard tour for dog poop while I started tacos for supper. S was in the basement watching hockey but did drive to winter gates in the merc and lock horses in.

He joined us for super delicious tacos then back to the TV room for hockey. The condo kids were off, I tidied up, showered and finished up my computer work. When the hockey was over we watched The Equalizer 2. It was good. S was off to sleep and I watched the last Unwell I could not finish last night.

Today would have been Grandpa Ball's 100th birthday, cheers in heaven Grandpa!!

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