Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Shaina stops for a visit and ride

 Awake at 6 but tossed till 7 and decided to play Scrabble. This did not last long before I made a cappuccino. S was up at 8:30 today, he must be feeling better. I worked on marketing and computer while getting laundry going. S let J out then perused installing the new gate circuit board and fielding work calls.  I also put a clear coat on the end table. I mixed up pizza dough for supper and let rise. We had BLT brunch before he headed to the gate letting the horses out on his way and I to water the garden. Just trying to fill out the last squash. It is a beauty day out there. I then was back in the garage and painted the table base.

Sheldon snapped this pic of J's new hang out

See the new color (shade darker) going over existing?

Shaina stopped by after training Sharon after 1. She and I headed out for a ride in the beautiful 22 sunshine looping around thru the south neighbors winery and back thru the gate where S was still working on the gate settings. Shaina roached KD and did Switch's bridle path while I mixed up her herbs. She ate while KD was hosed and both released. It was up to 24 now.

Inside Shaina needed a bowl of soup to sustain her then she got to work on her marketing. I continued with laundry and kitchen chores. S was in and napping in big brown around 3. He slept thru Shaina's departure just before 4 but was up after 4. He headed out to the shop and I to the garage to paint the base a second coat of creamy white and when dry it was distressed. In between these 2 stages I made the pizza put on the heated the stone and cooked it. I had to improvise as only a bit of cheese left but we did have cheese slices for burgers LOL

After pizza we folded the loads of laundry then S was off to spray out the last of the weed sprays. Britt and Cooper arrived at the usual time and I went out to visit then pull more spent plants in the garden. It was a BEAUTIFUL night, no wind and warm. Great evening for us to all be out. B played barber for S before she loaded Coop, her bottle of weed spray and was off. S headed to the TV room while I quickly caught up the blog then was off to watch Netflix. New season of Umbrella Academy and 3 episodes.

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