Monday, February 3, 2020

Workout #2

I woke Coop at 7:45 today, he was tuckered after his big adventures in the sun yesterday. Off he and Lola went to do the first patrol as the sun came up. It wasn't long after the patrol was complete and he was back to warm up as -9 out and lightly snowing and cloudy. I enjoyed my caps and marketing. After he warmed up, he was off for round 2 again around and back to the warm house to eat breakfast.

Forgot to add these photos from Saturday night's O'Brien awards Britt sent of Dave winning, well done Dave!

I received an email that I would be receiving some Richard tools to brand influence for after reaching out to them on the w/e. I had been given a tip that a carbide scraper works great for removing old finish and had been researching them and found Richard; a Canadian company.

Lola is not a fan of her hay house but has renovated it to move hay over gravel under Shaina's window for a more comfy bed

The sun is trying to shine thru before 11 which makes for a nicer day. I bundled up and went to pitch hay for all the horses before putting a second coat of white milk paint on the bench base.

Cooper was in and out loving life at the ranch. The sun burned thru after lunch as I was clear waxing the bench. The vanity customer ( a former Sibbald-ite) messaged if they could pick it up this afternoon. Sure but I best get all the snow shovelled off sidewalks and steps into the house so out I went. Complaining Mr J alerted me to no cat food so that was next then back to the black waxing on the bench.

I hauled it inside to screw the top back on before Jack and Loretta arrived after getting lost around 3. We visited then loaded it up and they were on their way at 4. Thank you!! Hello Fresh was delivered as we were down stairs checking out the black bed frame. Supper for the week, YEAH!

The weeks meals were unpacked and a sautéed zucchini and chicken cooked up for an early supper. I have Shaina's boot camp tonight at 6:15 and orders to eat a good meal BEFORE working out and my smoothie after. I went and put our a small square bale for the boys and the girls asked nicely so got some too. They really miss the alfalfa bales of yester years.

look at how close this Fitbit challenge was

I headed to town at 5:45 thinking I would get the mail on the way and be early to Shaina's boot camp. I was early all right as B's car has no mail keys and Shaina ended up delayed by an accident on the highway. Our class eventually got going by 6:30, me and another gal. It was another good workout. I was off for home at 7:30 swinging thru Tim's for a chai as my reward.

I could see the snow crystals sparkling under the moonlight from the house so had to go out and see, the video does not do it justice, so pretty

Back at the ranch B messaged they just landed so I let Coop out to poop. Mistake... they set off in the -14 temps. I worked on new tutorials for the transfer projects. At 8:30 I started calling them in but no luck. At quarter to 9 I bundled up and started walking out thru our field, crossing the fence and half way across the south. I could hear barking south so headed back to the shop and got the ranger. Ripping across the snow filled summer fallow was brisk to say the least. I went back thru the gate and out through our pasture to the east and could hear them back closer to the house.  GRRR back there it took time for Cooper to get to the house. I have no idea how they skirted around me but eventually I got him in. I put the ranger away tossed more hay for the beckoning horses and was about to come in when Mr J was whining yet again. Oh ya their light was unplugged when it was warm so back to the barn I went to plug it in then start B’s car at her phone call request.

Dave and Britt made it at 9:45 to pick up the thawing Cooper and were off to town. Shaina arrived not long after at 10. We visited while she ate her chicken wrap. S made it home before 11, a quick mail check visit and then off to bed for all. I watched another Next in Fashion before lights out.

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