Saturday, February 1, 2020

Snow melted and the snow returned

The wind started to howl at 4 am waking both Cooper and I. It was PLUS 5 according to our thermometer but the electronic one at Matt's says it hit PLUS 8 an hour before that. Needless to say when I awoke there was puddles everywhere and the wind was still blowing but it was sunny.

I did some marketing with my cappuccinos then headed out to pitch hay and give pills at 10. The wind was a challenge and more of the big bale is everywhere. I hiked out to the far bale where the girls were finally eating and it was so much nicer there with the wind blocked by the trees. I put the ranger away seeing the horses will staying in the paddocks for awhile and the storm is to arrive later today.

Back inside it was marketing and painting of the suitcase. Between typing I would paint a side then it would dry while back to marketing and so on.

Just before 2:30 the weather changed again, temps dropped to 2, the wind shifted now coming from the north blowing all the hay I pitched away, rain which soon turned to snow blew in fast and furious. Only in Canada LOL It only lasted an hour but that was enough.

Now that it had let up I went back out at 4 and tossed more hay for the boys. Back inside I started the pink tray project stenciling the bottom and painting the frame a soft pink. Again it got a second coat after I did more marketing.

Cooper loves staying at the ranch and learning to be a guard dog. Just before I snapped this pic they were both sitting up straight surveying the horizon

For supper I tried out one of my new enameled cast iron pans and LOVED it. I made one of my favorite salads with the yummy fresh fruit I picked up in the city with the chicken on the side. YUMMY!

Britt messaged the O'Brien event was very fancy and after watching the red carpet interview of Dave (go to 22:40for it) she directed me to, minutes later the winner was announced and he won! Congrats Dave, all your hard work paid off.

fancy write up 

Using the last of my fancy bath bomb from the other night I had a soak in the tub while finishing the The Goop Lab season. Then it was time to get into bed with the now dry Cooper and start a new Netflix series Next in Fashion. While on the 3rd episode around 10:30 the temps dropped to -2 while another HUGE snow storm rolled in and blew for the next hour and after I fell asleep.

What a crazy first day of February!!

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