Friday, February 21, 2020

Impromptu town run

After a couple coffees S remembered the merc was to be at the shop so he grabbed the trash and set out at 9:30. I changed and followed him in picking him up and stopping at walmart for a few travel items and groceries. We stopped and washed the car as it was really nice and plus 2 out. On route home we looped thru McDonald’s drive thru for an iced coffee and the mail.

Back at the ranch it was time to get a larger project underway. I hauled out the large square coffee table and scrubbed it up after moving pieces around to make space. Once dry I tried sanding the top then stripped it unsuccessfully with a new “environmental” stripper then back to more sanding.

S decided to head outside running the basket of stall shavings/ poop to the pit after sweeping barn floor and moving snow around the driveway. He put the sweep on the wet door too. I started painting the table in layers of blues taking a break to walk pills out to the horses before 4. Lola got a quick brush while S enjoyed his beer in the sunshine.

We cooked up another yummy steak supper. We do have this meal mastered to a T! S was off to watch his Flames vs Dave's Bruins. I jumped into the tub to soak while enjoying a lovely very bougie mask ($17 US) from Kaylin while watching more The Stranger. I would share photo but Kaylin said I looked like a serial killer with the mask on LOL I finished the season in my cozy bed then moved on to YouTube paint tutorials then finally reading the book. After 11 the very unhappy Flames fan came to bed and in short order was asleep.

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