Sunday, February 16, 2020

Where are the dogs?

Cooper as anticipated was ready to go out at 7 am. I managed to fall back asleep before getting up at 8. They were not around but assumed doing their usual patrol. I worked on marketing and computer work until I headed out before 10 to toss hay. I put Pepper back in the bigger paddock then decided to go walk and see if I could find the dogs. I had been calling from the house with no luck. I walked almost tot he east canal and could not see them anywhere calling as I went. I finally gave up and headed back to the house and scan with binoculars at 10:30 but again no sign of them. They best get home soon and it looks like no more early outings and free time for these two.

the gift card was real for my phone time the other morning ;)

At 11 they were still not back so I messaged B we should go look for them. She was on her way out so I started distressing the bread box while I waited. Once she arrived we drove the north road cutting back south then west and north up the road leading to the old house. We had to hike in most of the way. Did I mention my legs were sore after yesterday's workout??

Finally as we go close to the old house I could hear barking and with the binoculars confirm it was the two at the fence line. B hiked across that field to send them home but found Lola leg was sore and she was laying down. It turns out this probably was the issue; they did there usual patrol and snoop fest and she got sore and laid down in the snow to rest. Snow is comfy to her but not thin haired Cooper but he will not desert the boss. I think the bark I heard walking earlier may have been him calling to say so.

I hiked back, got the car and drove home getting the ranger to go pick them up. In the meantime Lola did jump up barking to chase something on 3 legs so Britt was no longer feeling sorry for her so started marching them home. I got behind them and helped send them home where Lola promptly laid in the snow and Cooper was put in his kennel. B gave Lola a does of Metacam and trimmed her nails.

Then she went and fed Bird and Bandit more hay and high fat food while I finished the bread box distressing and dark waxing.  She was off to meet Dave and the racing crew in Okotoks to look at some horses at 2:30 grabbing salt/minerals on her way. The sun had popped out now and hit plus 3. The horses enjoyed napping in the sun. Switch stayed with her BFF for most of the afternoon.

For a fun surprise I added a removeable liner in the bread box. Time to stage the bread box and send pics to the buyer and arrange pickup.

Cooper slept all day till 5 but not wanting to let him out alone again I went with him using the leash not once but twice.

I had my 10,000 steps in for the day by 6 when I went and tossed small squares for all the horses. Lola  spent most of the day sleeping too but tried to follow when I was walking Cooper and was 3 legged lame. Sheesh.

I roasted the last of the veggies with some chicken for supper then did more computer work before Cooper and I retired in the big comfy bed to watch Justin Beiber episodes on YouTube just before 9. Britt arrived not long after, unloaded the salt/minerals, picked up Coop and was off for home.

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