Sunday, February 23, 2020

Melting then snow fall

Usual Sunday start to the day. Late morning S even cooked up a couple toad in the holes and his day's work was packing his vacation suitcase seeing he will only arrive back Thursday night and we leave Friday early. I did start sorting items to take along too esp medical ones.

looking outside to see the skaters! WTH luckily no one hurt themself

I staged the coffee table and will post a sneak peek tonight in hopes of a sale.

B brought Cooper out for his play date after lunch and had S glue a fridge part while we went out. B loaded a hay net for tomorrow and put in trailer and cleaned the frozen poop out then gave B&B some pellets while sharing rest of bale with all horses. I filled the salt/mineral tubs which were all empty again and gave out pills. B loaded up Cooper and headed back to town after 2.

I was back in the garage gluing the bread box in yet another position and then later in another. This was not the best buy ;( I washed some horse laundry and rags while cleaning and S did shake out the mat at the main garage door that traps sooo much dirt.

Inside I worked on marketing. I did an Instagram share post and it ended up taking me so much of the day to partake but hope in turn there are some buyers or new followers who might become buyers ;) S enjoyed relaxing most of the day other then packing seeing he is off north tomorrow. Snow started to fall around 5:30 as forecast. Nice to see fresh snow after another melting plus 1 day.

Hockey started early today at 5 so he enjoyed that popping up to eat his requested creamed chicken supper then right back down to the game. In the end, Flames won. I watched another Safe. I was talking to Mom this afternoon and during supper she messaged Dad fell and split his forehead open requiring 10 stitches, yikes!! Feel better soon Dad! XOXO

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