Friday, February 7, 2020

Beauty day at the ranch

It was -4 when I woke yet again at 3:13 am and still -4 when I got up to get the coffees to bring back to bed after 8:30. The sun was out making for a really nice day hitting plus 2.

After a yummy salad lunch I went out to give the horses pills seeing they were all in. It was sooo nice out. S went out after 1 to back in the truck and roll out bales for the horses. I spent the afternoon working on the green waterfall vanity tutorial. I signed back up for an Amazon associate so it took a long time finding the products on Amazon and adding to the tutorial but by 5 I had it complete finally. Prince was back in around 3 after scooting around on the ranger looking for coyotes and was soon sound asleep in big brown ;)

Supper was Hello Fresh #3; Chinese almond chicken. As I read thru the recipe it sounded really familiar and when we ate it we both said we have had it before but it is so yummy !! S hit big brown to peruse the internet news feed while I got to work on getting the green tray ready to auction setting it live on my Facebook page just after 8. I finished watching the last 15 minutes of Miss Americana waiting for the pink tray auction to close at 9 pm. It ended with a $50 bid, nice.

We rounded off our Friday night with the last Vikings episode of this batch and anxiously await the final 10 coming this fall. S was off to sleep and I started another new series on Netflix called I am a Killer. Slightly disturbing so far.

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