Thursday, October 17, 2019

Windows cleaned and a concert

Awake after 7, why?? no hunters, no barking dog.. hmmm, hello Instagram. Once S got the coffee going I headed to give horses pills in my housecoat. It was 10 at 9 am mid October, not bad at all. I then did some quick marketing before putting my hair in rollers!! Yes we have a big day in the city ending in a concert. S headed out to wash the dirty windows outside while I cleaned the inside of them. It is always so nice to have clean windows even if just for a few days :)

horses even came to see what was up, and just look at that view with clean windows!!

new coat and curls, ready to go

We then quickly ate a turkey sandwich and headed west to the city for a busy day. S dropped me at my dental appointment. Today is another implanted post dental surgery for me. Prince continued on to pick up a used stove for the rental place. He was back to pick me up in an hour or so and we were off.

Stopping at a few thrift stores found me some treasures then to the health store for a few supplements.

A quick return stop at Costco and wood notion at Michaels and it was time to eat before our big concert night. Prince was craving ribs so we stopped at Chop Steakhouse where he enjoyed super tender ribs and I a delicious chopped salad.

There was one last pick up before the concert. A lady had offered me a waterfall vanity and she was right new the Grey Eagle Casino so once we had it strapped in we were off. We met Jac & Sean for an amazing concert featuring Dallas Smith and Dean Brody along with The Reklaws, Chad Brownlee and Mackenzie Porter. It was AMAZING!! 11/10 and the venue lovely too. We will be sure to look for future concerts here.

It was over after 10 with almost 3 hours of solid music. The get out of parking was chaos but luckily our parking spot was not bad and we were soon on our way back east getting home in good time (like half an hour) with no traffic. We topped the evening off with a delicious rum and coke to celebrate a fabulous day!

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