Sunday, October 6, 2019

Celebrating 28 years of Miss K

6:50 eyes open, Instagram, computer work with yet another sunrise. I started coffee but one cup and I was one to making cappuccinos. Prince was up after 9 to drink his pot and relax in bed cruising the internet ;) My marketing turned to accounting. I posted the hutch on a Sunday sale.

At 11 S headed out to unhook the trailer and finish putting machinery away. I followed pulling spent plants, cutting back others and filling the wagon which S hauled to the pit. I even found a few bonus hills of potatoes! I put away all my garden décor. The day was sunny and 17 but there is quite a breeze. S rolled hoses to put away for the winter. Before we pulled the front raised flower bed, I soaked it for a few hours as well as pumped out the water tanks.

While I was working outside I had a message for the sale of the hutch! Nice, it was paid in full but won't be picked up until after Thanksgiving. Which is not that far away right? As long as snow holds off.

We came in for a sandwich at 1, S then needed a rest in big brown ;) I finished vacuuming and tidying for our guests. Stools were touched up and the square end table with wax but looks like it will need repainting ;(

After his rest S went out to move water and roll up the front hose. B and Cooper arrived just before 4, she and I moved a table back to where her washer and dryer were placed. She cleaned up the freezables in the barn and filled the salt/mineral tub.

wood products unboxed

Kaylin, Kyle, Shaina and Jacob arrived around 4:30, the Paetz tribe followed closely behind. The party began full of fun, beverages and lots of good food. Shaina made home made guacamole that was delicious, THANKS. Amanda made a lovely Mediterranean pasta salad, THANK YOU!! I cooked up a pot of Kaylin's favorite rice as the side dish and a platter of fresh veggies.Sheldon and Craig cooked up the steaks to perfection and the feast began.

I had put the apple pie (another of K's favorites) in which was enjoyed with ice cream with the option of pumpkin pie and whipped cream or both.

Most were playing guitar hero while Ada worked on a puzzle I won in grade 1. She is in grade one now. Crazy the little puzzle has lasted all these years.

Everyone packed up and were off after 8. The Calgary crew stopped to check out B's new pad on their way home. S hit big brown eventually heading down to the TV room to watch football. I did some computer work then crawled into bed to finish the Trinkets season. When S came to bed at midnight he was plagued with the gate and had to drive down to double check it closed. It was closed ;)

Hope you enjoyed your 28th birthday celebration Kaylin XOXO Happy anniversary Grama and Papa, I am sure you enjoyed a fabulous day on your cruise.

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