Thursday, October 24, 2019

Rummage sale

I only had one cappuccino today and was off to town before 9:30. Today is our United Church rummage sale and that was my first stop. I had a list of items B was wanting so as her personal shopper I scored many items off her list. Around 11 I loaded the last bag and made my way thru Tim's for a pumpkin spice tea then headed to Britt's to drop off her treasures and let Cooper out.

It was a gorgeous day with no wind and warm sunny weather hitting 16 ish. I had seen a few decanters on B's list but did not grab when there. She does not think she can make it after work so I headed back to pick it up. I stopped for a piece of mail I had to sign for then back to the church. Of course this lead to finding even more goodies.

One more trip back to Britt's grabbing  a bowl of carrot ginger soup from the local deli. I ate it at B's as I unloaded her latest finds. Cooper was not interested in going out again. Next stop was Walmart for a few groceries before setting off home by 2. Now to unload groceries and my treasures.

 I LOVE pottery and blues so this mug had to come home with me

and these bowls!! so pretty and below these glass canisters. yes please!!

A customer had asked about a chair so I ran out to the mezzanine storage a couple times until I found the right one. She also purchased the red tray to have match the chair. I hauled 6 chairs from the garage to the mezz too. The day was just so nice out.

I brought in the rulers and staged them. However once I sent the photo to the customer of the 2 brown ones she wanted to add family names. Hmmm I tried to figure a way to do this seeing they have been all sealed up.

Supper was turkey soup then it was onto writing posts and marketing while watching last 2 episodes of Interior Design Masters. Before heading to bed to read I put another coat of ebony on the geo coffee table top.

this view.. amazing

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