Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ladies day with my girls

It was another odd weather day being overcast and cool getting down to -6 overnight. Today is the womens show I won 4 tickets for.

I did a couple touchups on the stool (any clear coat drips from the factory will show more when painted) before I backed out the car waiting for Britt to arrive. She made it just before noon and we were off. We had a bit of time to spare getting to chinook area in half an hour so took a quick tour through Value Village. Britt found some plates and I a neat magazine rack. Then we headed to park and walk to the BMO center for the Women's show.

K and S were a bit behind having had issues at the coffee shop and bringing the c-train down. They arrived about 1:30 and joined us checking out all the booths at the exhibition. There were lots of fitness, health, jewelry, clothing and such. 3/4 of us got a free 10 min massage even. After 4 we all walked to the car and headed to Globefish for our sushi supper.

It seems all were very hungry as we were done in less then an hour. B and I were off for home taking a quick tour thru the nearest Tim's drive thru for a hot tea for the ride home. The other 2 ran into the mall while waiting for Kyle to pick them up and give them a ride home. Enjoyable day girls, thanks for joining me for our ladies day! xoxo

Back at the ranch at 6, B was off to spend the evening with Cooper and I jumped in the shower. As I was drying off the phone rang and it was the egg lady at the gate with our eggs!! Yikes, it was a scramble to grab a housecoat, rustle up $$ and the cartons in a few short minutes.

Making a smoothie I worked on marketing, the tutorial for the grey ruler I wrote yesterday went live, messages were answered and such while watching Netflix. Then moved to my bed to catch up on a few Handmaids Tale episodes on the PVR then finish my Hutterite book.

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